Unconditional Mercy
and Reckless Love. It's been some time since I chose the word, Mercy to be my "One Word." Mercy is what I am striving to attain. I want...
Another Gift
I've started a new Sunday morning practice. A weekly practice that is eight weeks old today. Every morning, I go to my "sanctuary." A...
Start Continuing
I thought I was pretty clever when I came up with my Foundational Four. When I identified four areas in life that need daily intention...
Today, May We
Today, may we remember the beauty of life. May we be instruments of peace. Today, may we be patient and present. May we spend time in...
Hi, I'm Rob
"Hi, I'm Rob. And I love helping people rediscover the wonder and awe of their lives, because that's the starting point. That's where we...
We Will and We Must
We are all part of something bigger than ourselves. We are all connected to one great story of life. We all have our moments. Those...
Change and Regain
"a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full...
Running in the Sanctuary
I admit. I was told, more than once, "No running in the sanctuary!" Later, I did the same. Passing that mandate along to my own kids. The...
Courageous Possibility
My morning routine is consistent and mundane. Not at all courageous but full of possibility. And I absolutely love it. I've created a...
Just Go
I started today's post by just beginning. By just opening a new page and putting down that first sentence. Each week, I like to post a...