Seeking and Finding Meaning
"There are three main avenues on which one arrives at meaning in life. The first is by creating a work or doing a deed. The second is by...
You are Good
Today, I'm just sharing a prayer. Grace and peace... Dear God, You are Good. And Your love endures forever. I pray that You grant me...
...filled, present, thankful, grateful
Today I'm taking a step back. I'm taking a look. I'm just going to be...filled, present, thankful, and grateful. I'm going to be aware...
Value Your Mental Real Estate
“When bringing order to our surroundings, it’s important to consider the value of the real estate. For instance, a desk is extremely...
Have a Great Page!
Your 366 Page Book In forty six days, we will take this book and put it on the shelf. This book is nearing the end. When we come to the...
Another Glimpse at the Story
More than once, I've written before about my mission, what my mission requires, and my wildly important goal. I have these typed, copied,...
Falling and Stepping Back
First of all, I would like to say thank you to October. Thank you for the days you gave us. Days to be with family. Days to watch the...
Five Thoughts
If I could sum up my life guiding principles in just five thoughts, today, these would be my five. Show up. Keep Showing Up. Keep Showing...
Grab the Mental Remote
The Volume It never seems to stop. At least it seems like it never stops. Even in our quiet moments, the internal and external noises...
Seven Days In
Last week, I planted some Seeds, and I am already beginning to see the ground breaking. I am already beginning to see the green peeking...