I Wondered...
"So the writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads." Dr. Seuss I wondered if I could Then...
This Thomas Merton Dude
At church one evening, one of my friends at the jail shared this prayer with the group. It was a prayer he had been meditating on over...
Enough is Enough
What is “Enough”? This week, I’ve been asking myself this question. What is enough? How much progress constitutes “enough” for the day?...
Notes from the Chaplain 4
Notes...1 Notes...2 Notes...3 And here are a few more notes to add to the collection. Grace and Peace to you today! A Note from your...
30 Weeks of Wisdom
What Am I Up To Over the past thirty weeks, I’ve been sharing thoughts and quotes from some pretty awesome people. I try to give thoughts...
Excerptional Preview
The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book. A re-release of a previous writing project. The concept is based on the twenty-eight...
Up To Something
What Were We Up To Then Seven weeks ago, we started a little experiment making just a tiny bit of progress on a project of our choosing....
The Anticipation of Starting Again
Getting to the Line Just standing there, my heart rate was already at 140 bpm. “What in the world am I doing here?” A long series of...
James Clear 3-2-1
I am a HUGE fan of James Clear. If you've not been to his website, you've gotta check him out. I am on his mailing list and received this...
The Finish / Starting Line
Here We Go Today we reached finish line. And today we reached the starting line. If you have been playing along, we have finished our...