Box Like a Seal
Stress and pressure are a natural part of the day. But stress can interfere with your ability to function at your best. A simple breathing exercise used by the Navy Seals can help you remain calm when stressful situations arise. Seals are trained to practice "box breathing" to help them clear and focus their minds.
Box breathing is a 4-part technique for slow, deep, controlled breathing. The number of seconds for each part vary but the idea is to breathe in, pause, breathe out, and pause. Then repeat. Try it with 4 seconds in each part.
Breathe in deeply and slowly for 4 seconds.
Pause, or hold your breathe, for 4 seconds.
Breathe out slowly and completely for 4 seconds.
Pause, or hold your breath for 4 seconds.
You can vary and play with the times, but the idea is to slow your body and mind by focusing on your breath and counting. The effects are felt almost immediately but spending 1-5 minutes brings clarity and focus while reducing the stress of the moment.
So when you feel pressure and need to remain calm and focus, take time to "box like a seal."
Enjoy this day!