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Change Your Habits...Change Your Life

1% Better Every Day: the Surprising Power of Small Habits

This is the title of author James Clear's Presentation at the Craft and Commerce Conference 2017. In this presentation, James shared research on human behavior and tendencies. He then shared practical ways to use small habits that help us create significant change in our lives over time. The simplicity of his message was inspiring and encouraging.

We have power to develop meaningful, purposeful, and intentional daily habits and routines that enable us make daily progress toward our long-term personal and professional goals.

Reread that last line and think about it for a moment. That's a pretty powerful thought. At the conclusion of his presentation he said, "if you can change your habits, you can change your life." That seemed almost a throwaway line until I really considered how powerful a statement it was. Regularly repeated acts develop into habitual behavior. Over time, habits develop consciously or unconsciously and create automatic actions, or habits. If we are aware of these habitual actions, we can modify and use them to help us make incremental changes we want. Our habits can be automatic, but don't have to be mindless. They just need to help get us 1% better every day.

Notice, Want, Do, Like

James identifies four steps necessary in the process of change that he calls the "Habit Formation Framework." This framework explores and explains how real, meaningful change happens. First we NOTICE the way things are by being aware and paying attention. Then we must WANT to make a change in our behaviors. Then we take action and DO something. Finally, we need to LIKE the reward and want to continue our actions.

The problem is that good habits tend have rewards in the future and are not always pleasant or easy to do now. Bad habits tend have consequences later and are usually more pleasant or easier to do now. Fortunately, there is a way to bring those future "rewards" into the present to be enjoyed now.

Start Now

Before you think about your current good and bad habits, take a moment and consider one habit you would love to be a daily part of your life. One daily action would be amazing to have as routine and automatic in your life. Picture yourself one year from today with a brand new, rock-solid daily habit that you had complete control to choose. What would that habit be? Imagine the habit that would be a game-changer for you. It can be anything, daily reading, writing, prayer, meditation, exercise, etc. Now start. NOTICE where you are. Choose a daily behavior that you truly WANT. For now, that's it.

Next week, I'll share some implementation ideas to help you start DOing things that you will LIKE. Change can be hard, but there are tricks to help take the challenge out of the equation. I'm a believer in that throwaway line that changing our habits, changes our lives. We'll explore more on this topic next week.

Enjoy the day!

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