Up To Something
What Were We Up To Then
Seven weeks ago, we started a little experiment making just a tiny bit of progress on a project of our choosing. We made an effort to take just a moment, just sixty seconds, to focus on that project. The goal was simply to develop the habit of showing up. The habit alone would ensure the accumulation of daily progress over time. I spent my sixty seconds a day editing on an old writing project I had been putting off. I made some great progress. In fact, I completed it and even self-published a small book through Kindle Direct Publishing. You can see it HERE, if you’re interested. In fact, I finished this project early, so I started a second editing project in that twenty-eight day window. This was fun, but I really enjoyed hearing about the projects other people were trying out. I was thinking about all our projects, and that got me thinking...
What Are We Up To Now
My morning routine is intentionally designed to accommodate daily writing time. I've found that this is when I do my best creative work. I schedule my “one minute” of editing in the afternoons and evenings. I find this is the best time to simply read and refine my previous work. Currently, I am editing my second book and am writing my third book. I also have a few other weekly writing projects, but these two books are the biggies for me. That’s what I’m up to. So what about you? What are you up to?
We Are Up To Know Good
Good things are happening. I see it all around in our community. There is plenty to be concerned about, but it’s good to know that good things are happening. And many good things are indeed happening. I certainly am finding much hope in our schools, in the faith communities, and in our support and advocacy groups. People are up to good things. And that’s good to know.
We Are Up To Something Good
So what are we up to? We’re up to new things. We’re up to know things. We’re up to good things. We’re up to know good. And we’re up to something good. Let’s keep up with the good things and the new things going on.
Enjoy the Somethings
Enjoy the new things and the good things and the somethings!
And enjoy the day!