The Risk of Inaction
I Am Convinced…
...that we all have a story to tell. We all need to be heard. We all need to listen. We all need to share in each other’s stories. I am convinced that we need to connect through story. But what does that look like? It seems that most people don’t feel “ready” to share their stories. And that’s okay. Anthony was one of those guys. He didn't feel ready, but shared anyway. And that’s why Anthony made my week.
Anthony Made My Week
Recently, I began recording guys from the BCJ sharing their transformation stories. With their permission, I’m sharing these stories on my YouTube channel. I don’t know where this is going, but I wanted to start anyway. It’s kind of the way I live my life. Starting before I’m ready and figuring out what I’m doing along the way. I’m glad I do that, because this week I was fortunate enough to add another story. Anthony’s story.
His Story
Anthony is a guy who grew up with several obstacles to success. His “normal” made it tough to grow up knowing how to navigate life. His parents loved him, but they also had trouble knowing the “normal” way to live and raise a family. By simply not knowing, Anthony and his family struggled to figure things out. In his story, he shares how things are changing. He shares what he’s doing to turn things around. He shares how he is working hard to make this time in jail his last time in jail. He’s got a powerful story that you can see HERE.
Beginning Before We’re Ready
Anthony is awesome, and I actually blogged about him a few weeks ago in This Thomas Merton Dude. Anthony is beginning before he's ready. This is something our ministry team encourages guys to do. Start now. Don't wait to begin. Don't wait until we’re ready. We are all just a bunch of people trying to figure things out. So let’s figure things out together and start where we are. Starting now.
The Risk of Inaction
“Inaction is risky!” I heard this phrase from one of my favorite authors, Rob Bell and I love this line! We tend to think of how scary it is to start something new, but we don’t consider the danger of our inaction. We risk so many positive experiences and possibilities when we do not act. If we’re not ready, so what. We try something, we fail, we learn from it, we try again. Anthony reminded me of this. He told me he wasn’t ready to share his story, but he had to start somewhere. So he started with this video. It’s a start. It’s his story. And his story made my week.
Don’t Risk It
So here we are. Each of us in the middle of our story. And each day we write more and add more to the story. We learn from others, so we need to listen. Others learn from us, so we need to share. We have to be moving to keep going, so we need to get started. And we need to get started before we’re ready, so "not ready" is the perfect time to start. Action isn’t risky. Inaction is. Don’t risk it. Share your story while you’re building your story. If you do, you may just make someone’s week!
Enjoy the day!
Enjoy your story!