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99 Truths and Things I Think

Anne's 12

Last week, I watched a terrific Ted Talk by Anne Lamott called 12 truths I learned from writing and life. I enjoyed hearing her share her wisdom with this collection of life lessons. I love how she shared so gently, yet with power and humor and depth. This video struck a nerve because...

I’m Nearing 100

Two years ago, I began the habit of writing and regularly posting a piece of my work on this blog. The purpose of developing this habit was to improve my craft, and many writers advise that writing and publishing on a schedule is the way to do so. I decided to put this advice into action. My focus was quantity and consistency, so I began writing every day and posting every week. This is significant because...

I’m Nearing 2 Years

Next week will mark my second year anniversary of blogging and my 100th post. I missed four weeks of publishing a blog, but I have not missed any days of writing. This habit has definitely grow as a writer and I can see that I’m finding my voice, my message, and my audience. The developing writer inside of me has much more growing to do, but this habit and practice has been powerful. The life lesson of showing up consistently and working on a schedule has made a huge impact on my path. This is one of my truths. And this is why I am...

Enjoying the 99

Next week will be my 100th. That’s a beautiful mile marker. But I can’t look past the beauty of number 99. That’s a great number as well, and I wanted to celebrate it. This week, I’m celebrating by sharing 99 truths I’ve learned. 99 things that are helping me live life just a little better. 99 thoughts, notes, quotes, and things I think. As you read or skim through this list, know that I know that these truths are not well ordered and very much in development. But that’s part of the developmental process I’m embracing. I’m learning and growing and sharing...

My Imperfect List of 99

Live Every Day With Purpose, Direction, and Intention

Love, Enjoy, Inspire, Encourage, and Positively Impact

Do not Conform, Be Transformed - Rom 12

Practice Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness… - Gal 5

Presence, Awareness, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Thankfulness

Actively Love God and Love Others - Mark 12:30-31

Seek the Simple Path: Silence, Prayer, Faith, Love, Service, Peace - Mother Teresa

Be Joyful; Be Intentional; Be Mindful

Be Present; Be Still; Be God’s

Deep Breathe In, Slow Breathe Out, Repeat

I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am - Rich Mullins

Strive to be the best version of me

Live Life Better - Brian Johnson

Show Up and Keep Showing Up

Real Change Spiral of Success: Aware, Assess, Aim, Act, Adjust, Again

Believe in the Process; Commit to the Process

Embrace Our Imperfections; Embrace the Mystery; Embrace the Process

Think Like a Gardener, Work Like a Carpenter - Daniel Coyle

Every Day We Have an Opportunity to Create a Living Masterpiece - Michael Gervais

What You Do Today Matters, it’s determining who you are becoming - Hal Elrod

Practice Excellence in Consistency; Be average, but make excellence in consistency your average - Gwen Jorgensen

If You Want to Change the World, Make Your Bed - Admiral William McRaven

Making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at sticking with a budget. – Charles Duhigg

It’s Okay To Suck; It’s Not Okay To Skip (especially 2 in a row) - James Clear

You can do ANYTHING want, but you can't do EVERYTHING you want.

There will always be more opportunities than time to pursue them - Peter Drucker

Bookend Your Day with awesome a.m. and p.m. - Jocelyn Glei

Intentionally Build Awesome Routines, Habits, and Systems

Stay Ultra Tiny in Habits - Think Long-Term Sustainability

Every Habit Needs a Strong Why - James Clear

Make Identity-Based Goals - “I’m the kind of person who…”

Believe in the Aggregation of Marginal Gains; 1% - Dave Brailsford

Start Every Day With Grateful and Thanks


Don’t Judge Others or Yourself.

Show yourself compassion - Kristin Neff

“I’m alright, nobody worry about me” - Kenny Loggins

Create Focus, Simplicity, and Tranquility - Dan Tricarico

Learn to say no politely but unapologetically - Stephen Covey

Do Deep Work; Manage Shallow Work - Cal Newport

Make Ridiculously Tiny Habits - Leo Babauta

Celebrate Tiny Victories “I’m Awesome!” - BJ Fogg

Have a Growth Mindset. Be Process Oriented. - Carol Dweck

What We Do Every Day Matter More Than What We Do Once In a While - Jocelyn Glei

Every morning we are born again.

What we do today is what matters most. – Buddha

Accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life and you’ll have the power to change ANYTHING in your life - Hal Elrod

Deep Learning is Profoundly Relational - Lori Desautels

What matters is not our Status, but our Trajectory; not where we are, but where we are going - Brian McLaren

Look For Ways To Optimize and Maximize Daily Potential and Performance

Optimize Your Life. Actualize Your Potential - Brian Johnson

Have an Optimal Day

Be Deliberate, Be Intentional, Enjoy the Process

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf - Jon Kabat Zinn

Strive for consistent, balanced, long-term, personal growth.

Examine habits; make intentional choices.

Lean into life - David Hayes

Life is a series of obstacles and setbacks; living is overcoming them. - Dean Karnazes

Be a Reader, Learner, Discoverer, and Writer

Recognize the Beauty and Value of Every Human Life

Cherish Our Shared Humanity

Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You - Steve Martin

Be a Craftsman. Build Career Capital. - Cal Newport

Champions Do the Ordinary Things Extraordinarily Well - Tony Dungy

Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you were capable of becoming - John Wooden

Talent is a Skill: it can be developed and improved by any person and in any area - Anders Ericsson, Daniel Coyle

Be an “Every Day” Guy, Not an Everyday Guy. Build Your Cathedral. Today is a great day to get better. Now how are we going to do that? - Rick Weinheimer

Notice, Want, Do, Like - James Clear

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but every day they were laying bricks - James Clear

Anything less than a conscious commitment to the important is an unconscious commitment to the unimportant - Stephen Covey

Live to a Higher Standard - Allistair McCaw

Build a Tribe, Create a Movement - Seth Godin

Be the Change That You Wish To See In the World - Mahatma Gandhi

Be Kind Whenever Possible. It is Always Possible - Dalai Lama

Be Humble in Your Aspirations, Gracious in Your Success, and Resilient in Your Failures - Ryan Holiday

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle

Develop and Nurture the right kinds of habits.

The Habit Loop: cue, routine, reward. - Charles Duhigg

Pay attention to and question the automated routines in life - Charles Duhigg

Control the controllables.

Think and act like Andy Dufresne.

Perfection is the Enemy of the Good

Be Productive, Not Busy

Journal and Write Every Day

My daily work doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to be daily.

If it matters, schedule it.

“I’m a mule, and the way that I have to work is I have to get up at the same time every day, and sweat and labor and barrel through it really awkwardly.” - Elizabeth Gilbert

Create Quantity. Quality will follow.

Be Remarkable - Seth Godin

Act Your Wage - Dave Ramsey

“If you’ll do now what other people won’t, you’ll live later like other people can’t” - Larry Burkett

Choose to “Live the Dream” This is a Daily Decision.

Live Life By Design.

Choose your attitude each morning - Debra Searle

A well-designed life is a life that is generative—it is constantly creative, productive, changing, evolving, and there is always the possibility of surprise. You get out of it more than you put in. - Bill Burnett

Design Your Environment - Make the Best Choices the Easiest Choices - James Clear

Ready, Fire, Aim. Start Before You’re Ready - Brian Johnson, Richard Branson

Don’t Risk Inaction - Rob Bell

Discipline Creates Freedom

Hammer the Stone

Clock In, Battle the Dragon, Clock Out

Don’t Break the Chain

Learn Cross Disciplines, Draw on Lots of Sources, Be able to apply as a balanced source of wisdom to draw upon, Adjacent Possibilities

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive; to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. – Marcus Aurelius

Wear Sunscreen - Mary Schmich

Show empathy and compassion.

Be Kind

‘Living the Dream’ is a choice

‘Living Happily Ever After’ is a daily decision

So what are the...

Truths You’ve Learned

What have you learned from life? What truths do have to share? I have a challenge for you. Start making your own list of truths and things you think. You may not have 99 (and if you counted, you know I didn’t either), but start now. Start with one. Build slowly, enjoy the process, and…

Enjoy the day!

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