Notes 6
Hey there!
Grace and peace!
For those of you who follow along, you know I share weekly notes to the the men and women in the Brown County Jail. I've had several people ask me to continue sharing these notes so every few weeks, I like to post the notes here.
Just a remind to please pray for these men and women. Please pray for our jail commander and his staff. Please pray for our sheriff and his staff. Pray for this community. Pray for grace and peace.
God bless, thanks, and enjoy the day!
October 22, 2019
Hey there, brother. “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy...” (Philippians 1:2-4).
Look and Imagine
This week, I wanted to share this powerful prayer. Look at these words and think about this kind of outlook on life. Imagine living with this mindset and the effect this way of thinking would have on our lives and in our relationships with others. Look at this prayer. Imagine this life.
The Peace Prayer
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Practice Sowing Peace
The words of this prayer are powerful, but let’s think about how can we put this prayer into action and how can we make this prayer our mindset? I believe the answer is with practice. We need to practice looking for opportunities to “sow” seeds of peace. Think about what that means to practice sowing peace. Sowing means planting seeds. Seeds that grow slowly over time. Sowing also means scattering or spreading. Seeds are planted, they take root, and they grow over time. In the same way, peace doesn’t just happen. Peace takes time and attention and practice. Sowing the seeds of peace allowing peace to grow naturally in ourselves and in our relationships with others. This is good stuff!
My Challenge
This week, look for opportunities to sow some love and pardon and faith. Look for moments to sow some hope and light and joy. Scatter some seeds of peace. Then practice patience as peace takes root and begins to grow. I am continually impressed by the spiritual and emotional growth I’m seeing in you all. My challenge is to continue to buy into the process of growth. A process that takes time and patience and prayer.
Remember that you are awesome. You are amazing. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of peace. You are covered in prayer. Be sure to pray for those around you. Look for opportunities to share peace. Imagine the possibilities. Have a great week and God bless!
October 30, 2019
Hey there, brother. “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy...being confident that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion...that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is the glory and praise of God” (Phil 1:1-11). That’s a cool greeting from Paul. Powerful stuff. Nice way to start a note.
Hi Matthew. Nice to meet you, again.
So I started re-reading the book of Matthew, and I started to think about how every time I re-read something, I find something new and gain a little more understanding. It’s normal to need to read things more than once so we can notice new things and make new connections. So here I am reading this, thinking it’s like I’m meeting Matthew again for the first time. This is good stuff that’s blowing me away.
Beyond the Sermon (Chapters 5-7)
Jesus’s “Sermon on the Mount” is pretty well known. And it really is the meat and potatoes of how we should try to live. When we look at this sermon, we see the depth and power of this message. He’s teaching us a different way of thinking and looking at life. It’s a new mindset. A new way to think and live. These three chapters are packed with awesome lesson after awesome lesson. So it’s a great passage to read again and again.
Let’s Take a Step Back (Chapter 4)
But check this out. Before Jesus begins teaching, he goes through the temptation in the desert. He is tempted with fortune, fame, and power. The things that are typically what we think will bring us joy and satisfaction. He has all that offered to him and he says, “No thanks. I’ll take a life of depth and substance and purpose over a life of empty goals and shallow pursuits. You wanna know how to live? Meet me at the Mount.” (that’s my interpretation, anyway) But what an AWESOME way to introduce his teachings in 5-7. By demonstrating what the right mindset looks like.
Now Let’s Take Another Step Back (Chapter 3)
And back before the lessons and before the temptation, there’s his preparation. John the Baptist says, “Brace yourselves! Here he comes and we’re all in for an amazing ride.” Then Jesus says, “Brace yourselves! Hang on, and here we go.” (again, my interpretation). Read and think about that.
But Even Before That (Chapters 1-2)
Now think about this. Jesus is born into this story of humankind. A story we are all born into. And he’s going to lead us because he knows how to live life better. His story begins in the middle of the bigger story of humankind that we also find ourselves in. Jesus is born, exiled, and returns ready to do his part to restore humanity. This is our story. We’re born, separated (because we don’t know any better), and ready to return (realizing there’s more to life, that something is going on here). This is a story we all share. The story of the world that God so loved. Not to condemn, but to save.
Now Remember…
This is just Thom talking, and I’m just a guy. But this is something we all need to read and consider and pray about. Let’s think about our story this week. Our story of being born, separated, restored, ready to ride, setting priorities, growing up, and learning how to live. It’s a pretty cool story we find ourselves in. Enjoy the process and the ride. Grace and peace!
November 6, 2019
Hey there, brother. Grace and peace to you from our good and faithful God and Father.
Time For Change
Every day is a good day for us to try something new. Something that can help us live life better. Every day, I like to try something that can help make me a better person. I want to change and improve my habits and actions and interactions, and I can always find something to work on. This week, I’m working on my prayer life.
Teresa, Peace, Merton, Serenity, (and Me?!)
Looking back over the past few months, I’ve shared a few different prayers with you. I shared Mother Teresa’s Daily Prayer, the Peace Prayer, the Prayer of Thomas Merton, and the Serenity Prayer.
Why not...? Why not?
I know that I am not in that league of prayer writers. I’m just a guy who loves God and loves others. But I do pray daily. And as I was looking back on these prayers, I thought, “why not write my own prayer?” Those first two words answered my question. “Why not?” So I looked at a few of my favorite scriptures, jotted some notes, and changed up my prayer this week.
Just a Prayer
I’m just a guy, and this is just a prayer. But this prayer is special to me. I encourage you to write your own prayer this week. Something special to you. What is the cry of your heart? What is your passion? What do you desire? Why are you grateful? Why is God worthy of praise. Remember, this is just a prayer. We’re just talking to God. We’re just trying to figure things out. How cool to imagine that God is just happy we’re talking and trying.
Just a Prayer
Dear God, You are Good.
And Your love endures forever.
I pray that You grant me mercy and grace and peace and joy.
In all things, I give You thanks.
Dear God, You are Good.
And I love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
I pray that You create in me a pure heart that I may love others as myself.
In all things, Your will be done.
Dear God, You are Good.
And I desire Your love, Your kindness, and Your compassion.
I pray that You transform me by renewing my mind
that I may know Your good, pleasing, and perfect will for my life.
In all things, may I be still and know that You are God.
Dear God, You are Good
all the time. And all the time,
dear God, You are Good.
This week, remember that you are...
...worthy and loved. Today I pray that you and I can change in ways that help us live life just a little better. God bless. Grace and peace!
November 12, 2019
Hey there, brother. Grace and peace to you. You are continually in my thoughts and prayers, and today, my prayer is for hope and unity.
Living Life a Little Better
None of us have all the answers, but we have each other and we have the love of God surrounding us. Today, let’s look for ways to lift each other up. Let’s look past the things that divide us and search for the things that unite us. Let’s search for peace in ALL of our daily connections and interactions. Seeking peace and unity is a great way to help us live healthier lives. It’s a great way to help us live life just a little better.
Telling Stories and Seeking Wisdom
We all have a story to tell, and we can’t wait until we’re “ready” to tell it. That’s why I love hearing people share their stories about where they’ve been, where they are, and where they’re headed. We have to remember that each of us is in the middle of our story. We need to share our stories, and we need to listen when others share. This is how we help each other grow. We share and listen and learn.
“Things I Know” Challenge
I have a challenge for you. This week, make a list of things you know to be true. Simple things like, “To be healthy, we need to eat right and exercise.” And quotes like, “What you do every day matters more than what you do every once in a while” (that’s from Jocelyn Glei). Write some scriptures or scripture summaries like, “love God and love others” (Mark 12:30-31). Or things you learn from books like, “happiness is tied to circumstances, joyfulness is tied to gratitude”(that’s from Brene Brown’s book, The Gifts of Imperfection). Start building your “things I know…” list today. Start now.
Every day, I pray for wisdom. And like anything that really matters, I know that gaining wisdom takes time and effort and mistakes and resilience. That’s just part of the path. Easy usually isn’t meaningful. This is another thing I know. We may not have a lot of answers, but we all have some things worth sharing. And that’s all part of the story we’re writing with our lives. We are where we are because of where we’ve been. Where we go from here is entirely up to us. Let’s make the most of that wisdom today. Share.
Thank You!
Thank you for inviting our ministry team in. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for sharing your stories. Thank you for being willing to look at life a little differently. Thank you for working to live life a little better today. We need God and we need each other. Good things are in store. Let’s embrace the mystery of life. Let’s share it with each other. Let’s give it a try.
God bless. Grace and peace!
November 20, 2019
Hey there, brother. Grace and peace to you. I am praying for us this day. A day for us to learn and grow and connect. A day for us to learn one truth that will help us live life better. A day for us to grow in the knowledge and practice of living life better. A day to strengthen our relationship with God and with others. If we can do that, it’s definitely going to be a good day.
Telling Stories
We all have stories to tell. Stories are powerful. Stories help connect us on a deeper level. Stories are good for the storytellers who are heard and for the listeners who learn. So the next time someone tells you their story, listen. Listen deeply. There is tremendous power in hearing and power in being heard. I think that’s why Jesus used stories to teach. He was a master storyteller who taught deep truths through simple stories. Think about this.
The Lost Son
In Luke 15, Jesus tells the story of a lost, (or prodigal) son. A “prodigal” is someone who recklessly and wastefully spends money and resources. Sometimes I think what it might have been like to sit and hear Jesus tell it. Imagine those who were there listening. I wonder what thought. To me, this is about relationships being injured and healed with each other and with God. It’s a story of hope from hopelessness. Of changed hearts and minds.
Growing Young
This week, I’m leaving you with a song written by Rich Mullins that was inspired by the story of the lost son. Listen. God bless. Grace and peace!
Growing Young
Rich Mullins
I've gone so far from my home. I've seen the world and I have known
so many secrets I wish now I did not know.
'Cause they have crept into my heart, they have left it cold and dark
and bleeding. Bleeding and falling apart.
And everybody used to tell me big boys don't cry.
Well I've been around enough to know that that was the lie
that held back the tears in the eyes of a thousand prodigal sons.
Well we are children no more, we have sinned and grown old,
and our Father still waits and He watches down the road
to see the crying boys come running back to His arms
and be growing young.
I've seen silver turn to dross, seen the very best there ever was
And I'll tell you, it ain't worth what it costs
And I remember my father's house, what I wouldn't give right now
Just to see him and hear him tell me that he loves me so much
And when I thought that I was all alone
It was your voice I heard calling me back home
And I wonder now Lord, what it was that made me wait so long
And what kept You waiting for me all that time
Was Your love stronger than my foolish pride
Will You take me back now, take me back and let me be Your child
'Cause I've been broken now, I've been saved
I've learned to cry, and I've learned how to pray
And I'm learning, I'm learning even I can be changed
And everybody used to tell me big boys don't cry.
Well I've been around enough to know that that was the lie
that held back the tears in the eyes of a thousand prodigal sons.
Well we are children no more, we have sinned and grown old,
and our Father still waits and He watches down the road
to see the crying boys come running back to His arms
and be growing young.
November 26, 2019
Hey there, brother. Grace and peace to you. This morning, I was thinking about a prayer led by Franciscan Friar, Richard Rohr. He used Psalm 46:10 to lead a 4-line prayer with his church. He read a line, then his congregation echoed him. After the fourth line, they echoed him then sat in silence for about a minute. It was pretty awesome. Give it a try. It really allows a deep sense of peace and calm to enter us. Read each line slowly. Pause after each line. Then read it again, and really let it soak in. Here it is.
The Prayer of Stillness
“Be still, and know that I am God.”
“Be still, and know that I am.”
“Be still, and know.”
“Be still.”
My Most Important Task
Today, my most important task it to simply be still. My hope that that today, I can just take in each moment with a clear head. I want to find a sense of quiet and calm throughout the day. I know that when I quiet and calm my mind, I can find clarity. And I am convinced that this is the path to wisdom. Be still. Recognize the calm. Welcome God’s presence. Seek clarity. Find wisdom. Wisdom is my hope. Stillness is my task.
My Mission
A while back, I shared my personal mission with you, my written statement of what I value. My personal mission is “to love, enjoy, inspire, encourage, and positively impact those around me.” I use this mission to guide my daily decision making. I don’t know the best way to do this other than to show up and keep showing up. And in the process, I’m praying for wisdom. And today, I’m starting my search for wisdom with stillness.
Things That Matter Take Time
Wisdom takes time. Time takes patience. Patience takes practice. And practice takes daily presence. Right now. Not later or someday. Right now. So what matters most to you? Take some time to think about that. Then take some time to pray about that. Then take some time to just be still.
Gratitude and Joy
I love this quote from David Steindl-Rast.
“The root of joy is is not joy that makes us grateful, it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” That’s a pretty cool thought. We see the joy, but we don’t always see the gratitude. But gratitude is the root of joy. Gratitude reminds us of the good we already have in our lives. Joy is the result of being grateful.
This week, we celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving. Remember that we typically find what we’re looking for, so look for the good. Be thankful. Be grateful. Make that one of your tasks this week. But make your most important task to be still.
I am grateful for each of you. You are loved and greatly valued.
Never forget that. I pray for grace and peace. For gratitude and joy.
For silence and calm. And I pray that we can all “be still and know.”
God bless. Grace and peace!
A Note from your Chaplain
December 3, 2019
Hey there, brother. “Grace and peace to you...I always thank my God for you..” 1 Cor 1:3-4. Today, I pray that you know love, joy, and peace. I pray that you know you are loved and greatly valued. I pray that you know you can have joy that comes through gratitude for each moment. I pray that you know you can have peace that comes when we trust, rather than fear.
The Bread of Life
Yesterday, I was reading through John 6 and started thinking about the bigger picture of the stories and lessons we learn from the Bible. I was thinking about how the stories are interwoven and teach bigger life lessons. When I read the passage where Jesus called himself the bread of life, I noticed that it immediately followed the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. That story follows the testimonies about who Jesus is in chapter 5 which follows the passage “Authority of the Son” and “Life through the Son.”
Being Provided For
I like how this all builds to tell a bigger story. Take a moment to think about Jesus as the “bread of life.” Bread is a good symbol for provision, or being provided for. A provision is a gift that keeps us going. We don’t need much. Just enough for today. In Matthew 6 and Luke 12, Jesus prays for “our daily bread.” In Exodus 16, we see the story of manna (bread) from heaven. The daily provision for the Isreaelites. I find these connections fascinating.
So What is the Lesson Here
I have some ideas, but I can’t really say I know what all this means. It seems we often see ourselves as detectives solving the mysteries of the Bible. We see some clues and evidence and draw some quick conclusions. But I think the real lesson of our “daily bread” that we have to keep searching for meaning day after day after day. To me, that’s it. Keep searching and reading and studying and praying and talking with others. Keep living day to day relying on the fact that we may not find the answers today. Or tomorrow. But we have to keep searching. To me, the lesson is to keep looking to Jesus and following his ways and his teachings. This daily search is our path to life. Real life. My interpretation is that we are not here to survive, but we are here to thrive in the fellowship of God and each other. And we can thrive, even when we don’t know all the answers yet. What do you think? What strikes you?
Embracing the Mystery Together
The Bible and God and spiritual living are a mystery to us all. Today, let’s embrace that mystery. Let’s talk and search for spiritual truths together, knowing that we may never uncover the answers. To me, that’s the beauty. Always moving forward together. Searching together. Seeking together. Making discoveries together. This is life! The bread of life that sustains us is the search for meaning and direction and purpose. This daily pursuit is what keeps us going. I actually don’t want to reach a place where I think I’ve totally arrived with all the answers. I don’t need bread for a lifetime. I need bread today. So let’s embrace this mystery. Let’s be excited. Let’s enjoy our journey of each new day. Let’s live! This is our daily bread.
I am grateful for each of you. I am grateful for today. I am grateful for each new moment. I pray that you can find and know peace and grace in the mystery of life. I pray for gratitude and joy of each new day. I pray for silence and calm in each new moment. Enjoy today’s bread. God bless!
Grace and peace!
Thom Miller
BCSD Chaplain
Mark 12:30-31, Matt 22:37-40; Gal 5:22-23; Luke 10:27; Rom 12:2; 1 Thes 5:16-18;
Eph 2:4-5, 8-10; Eph 3:16-21; Eph 4:1-3, 22-24, 32; 1 Cor 13:4-7, 13; 1 Cor 16:12-14;
Psalm 46:10; Rom 8:37-39; Phil 2:3-5; Phil 4:4-7; James 1:22-25; John 3:16-17, 21;
Col 3:12-14; Isaiah 40:13; Jer 29:11; Psalm 136:1; Rom 12:10-13; Matt chapters 5-7