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Battling Dragons: Past and Future

We are in a Battle

Every day, we are battling dragons. Sometimes we gain a little ground and move forward, and sometimes the dragons hold their ground and stand firm against us. Some of our battles are quick, but most take time and effort. This past year, we have all faced several dragons. Some dragons are strong and the battles are still raging. Some dragons lie in wait and will greet us on our paths ahead. Dragons are a part of life, but the trouble with dragons is we often don’t even realize we are in a battle with them. That is tragic because our dragons stand in the way of us moving toward a better life. They are an inescapable part of the journey, but the good news is we can find success if we keep a couple of things in mind. First, we need to be aware that we’re actually in a battle. Second, we need to know how to fight. Let’s take a look at the battles behind us and the battles that lie ahead.

Battles Behind Us

First, let's look back. How was 2019 for you? Break it down and take a look at it. For me, it has been a good year. I am in a perpetual process of beginning before I’m ready, and I’m loving it. I’ve been practicing and experimenting with some ideas to live life better. I’m gaining patience and perspective, because I understand that battles rage slowly and quietly. I’ve been taking a holistic look at my life examining my health and wellness in my faith life, my family life, my financial life, and my fitness life. I’ve also examined my life in regards to my career, my connections, my commitments, and my contributions. I’m slowly learning how to effectively attack my dragons. The dragons that keep me from moving forward to a compelling life of purpose and meaning.

Battles Before Us

Now, let's look ahead. How will 2020 be for you? Break it down and take a look at it. For me, I have some pretty specific plans for this coming year. In those key areas of intention (faith, family, finance, fitness, career, connections, commitments, and contributions), I have examined my current health and wellness. I am fully aware that obstacles lie ahead. There are things that can slow me down. There are dragons I will need to battle, but I have a plan. I will be moving forward slowly, consistently, and incrementally. Each day, I will gain some ground. Each day, I have a plan of attack. I understand I’m in a battle, and I know how to fight.

Our Dragons Await

As we move into this new year, it will serve us well to be on high alert and recognize that dragons will indeed lie in wait on our paths. Our battles are inevitable, but they are what make our lives so compelling. This year, let’s seek out the obstacles that have been slowing our progress and embrace the adventure of moving forward toward our goals. Let's recognize the dragons. Let's realize they all have the same weakness. The dragons' strength is in warding off short, halfhearted attacks. They cannot, however, stop a slow, relentless attack. When we show up every day with a battle plan, we can be focused and gain ground consistently and incrementally. Our plan requires a vision and a mission. Our plan requires purpose, direction, and action. Our plan is the greatest weapon in the battle with our dragons.

My Battle Plan

I have my “Vision Board” posted above my desk. I read it every day. It is a living document that, like me, is in perpetual transformation and growth. Today, I just wanted to share this with you. If you have one, I’d love for you to share yours with me as well. If you don’t have one, feel free to steal and modify mine. Let’s welcome the dragons and the battles of this new year.

Enjoy the battle.

Enjoy the day!


My Mission is...

To love, enjoy, inspire,

encourage, and positively impact

those around me (my neighbors)

and to grow my circle (the neighborhood).

My Mission Requires…

“Spending time in my sanctuary.”

I do this by...

Getting to know myself and God

through daily contemplative

reading and writing.

Being deeply and holistically transformed.

Heart soul mind strength.

Practicing presence. Moment by moment.

Transcending my relationship

to a deeper level, embracing my

mystical and mysterious God.

Living the way of Jesus.

With daily attention and intention.

Moment by moment.

“Loving my neighbors and

growing my neighborhood.”

I do this by...

Building connections and

relationships with those around me.

Showing love and compassion

to others and myself.

Practicing presence. Moment by moment.

Touching hearts and minds

with my time and through writing.

With daily attention and intention.

Moment by moment.

My Wildly Important Goal is...

Living Life Better and

Helping Others Do the Same

I do this by...

Nurturing Gratitude, Joy, Compassion,

Presence, and Holistic Wellness.

Developing my Crafts of

Writing and Life Coaching.

Showing Up. Hammering the Stone.

Closing the Gap.

Clocking in, Battling the Dragon, Clocking out.

Battling on My Terms.

Intentionally Building a Compelling Life.

Making Daily Progress and

Enjoying the Process.

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