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Our Bonsai and Our Dragons

Our Tree and Our Battles

As soon as we wake up in the morning, we have a choice. Battle or not. Our tree will continue to grow with or without our hand involved, but choosing to battle is up to us. As we move throughout the day, we continue to choose. Battle or not, but our tree will grow. In the evening, we have a choice. Battle or not, but our tree will grow.

Trees Growth

It’s quite fascinating to stop and look around at the trees that surround us. Without us even noticing, they grow. Slowly. Day by day. Season by season. The wild trees in nature weather the storms and grow strong. Only after significant time do we step back and realized the great change they undertake. The small bonsai trees fascinate us as well. Shaped and cared for day after day. Season after season. These small trees become works of art, guided by patient, persistent hands of the artist and caregiver.

The Need to Battle

Life presents us with a series of battles that we may or may not participate in. We notice and become aware of changes that need to take place in our lives. We recognize the need to get in shape, take care of finances, become educated, improve our vocational situation, build relationships, contribute to a higher call, live life better, etc. The list of things we “need” or “want” to do goes on and on. But change and transformation requires a daily battle against obstacles, resistance, and dragons that stand between us and a better life.

The Battles Look Boring

Participating in the daily battles of life does not seem very exciting. Progress is slow, so it’s easy to lose enthusiasm when we don’t see the growth from our daily efforts. Something that may help is to adopt the tree and bonsai artist’s mindset of growth. The tree consistently brings in the sunshine and water. It establishes roots, matures, and grows strong. All of this happens with the care of the artist who faithfully cares for and shapes the tree. Is this really a battle? Caring for the tree? For the bonsai artist, absolutely.

Our Greatest Weapon

In the same way, we are nourishing, building, and shaping our lives. Rather than sunshine and water, we develop habits and systems. Rather than establishing roots, we establish our mindsets. Like the tree, we grow stronger each day creating an identity of growth and development over the long term. Our weapon is time. Showing up consistently and putting in the time is how we faithfully care for and shape our lives. We need to be the artists of our lives. Living a life of intention is a daily battle. Each day we choose to use or lose the power of this weapon. Our greatest weapon in pursuit of meaningful transformation. Time.

How are Your Trees Looking?

Today, let’s take a look at the trees in our lives. Then let’s ask two questions…

“What are we doing

with our days?”

“What are we REALLY doing

with our days?

What are we doing with the days we are given in this life? That is the daily work of choosing to battle dragons or not. The first question is what we want or need to do. The second question is the question BEHIND the question? Either we mean it or we don’t. Again, take a look at the trees. They are growing with our without our guidance. Our lives are moving forward with our without our intention. Are we in the battle? Are we the bonsai artists? Let’s use the weapon we’ve been gifted with. Let’s use our time to move forward today toward a better life. We understand the battle. Let’s battle like a bonsai artist.

Enjoy the battle.

Enjoy the day!

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