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A Different Kind of Beautiful

“It’s a beautiful day

in the neighborhood...

won’t you be my neighbor.”

Fred McFeely Rogers

A Powerful Presence

He was a different kind of host. Definitely not your typical kids’ show host. His pace was slow and deliberate. He was intentional and patient. He was connected and loving. He was engaged and kind. It was clear that Mr. Rogers was fully present, taking delight in each moment. It’s mesmerizing to watch how he looked so intently at people and listened so deeply to his guests. He has always had a powerful presence, but I’m only just beginning to see the beauty behind this man and his show.

It’s Beautiful

He was a different kind of guy. He would gently sing his songs and kindly teach life lessons using conversations with his puppets and his guests. Looking back, it’s clear that he genuinely loved watching those around him shine while he sat back taking pleasure in the moment. He had kind eyes, a gentle spirit, and a beautiful heart.

The Neighborhood

It was a different kind of neighborhood. I knew that Fred Rogers was an ordained minister. I knew he used the show to teach with wholesome entertainment. I did not, however, make the connection between the song, the show title, and his mission. In Matthew 22:39, Mark 12:31, and Luke 10:27, Jesus quotes the Old Testament law to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Mr. Rogers took this to heart. When he sang, “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood...won’t you be my neighbor?”, he was referring to this passage of scripture. In all aspects of his life, he wanted to demonstrate and model love and kindness to his “neighbors.” His neighborhood included his family, his friends, his guests, his viewers, and everyone he met. His neighborhood was large and always growing. It was beautiful.

Yes, Fred, We Will

Over the past few years, I’ve become a huge fan of Fred McFeely Rogers. I was late to the party, but I am happy to join his neighborhood. It’s awesome to think of our “neighborhoods.” Let’s take a moment to consider the number of people we encounter each day. Now imagine showing a small kindness to each of these people. Can we truly be present for every person in our lives? Can we choose to be present? Presence is powerful. Presence is beautiful. And presence is available to us all throughout the day in the neighborhood of our lives. Who are our neighbors? Fred would say everyone. I’m good with being his neighbor. I’m good with living in this different kind of neighborhood. It's a different kind of good and a different kind of beautiful.

“So let’s make the most

of this beautiful day.

Since we’re together,

we might as well say...

won’t you be my neighbor?”

Yes, Fred. We will.

Enjoy the beautiful day!

And enjoy the neighborhood.

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