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Ago and From Now

Fifty days ago, I embarked on an experimental journey. A daily journey seeking peace and calm in my days. Peace is my One Word. Peace is my goal. Peace is the process.

Fifty days ago, I cracked the second half of my first century of life. The days of brown hair and eagle eyesight are in my rearview mirror. It seems those have been replaced with more of an awareness, an acceptance, and a peace.

Fifty days ago, I took time to reflect on the previous 18,263 days I spent spinning the globe. In that time of reflection, I just felt peace. If my intent were to focus on regrets, I certainly had plenty of ammunition, but I didn’t. I chose and felt peace.

Fifty days ago, I looked at my life and simply felt gratitude. My hand struggled to keep up as my heart poured out a generous list of joys and blessings from the past and present.

Fifty days ago, I realized that when we take time for silence and solitude, we make room for stillness. When we find stillness, we find peace waiting to greet us there. When we have peace, we live our days and moments more fully alive.

Fifty days from now, I plan to revisit this conversation. This time, however, with a reflection on joy. I’ve decided that I will continue to seek peace in my daily living, but I’m going to pay special attention to the blessings and the joy in my days and my moments.

Fifty days from now, I am certain there will be many things that could steal my joy. I’m making the intention to be aware, to accept the uncontrollables in my life, and to still choose joy.

Fifty days from now, I plan to look back on this experiment that now lies before me with gratitude. With peace. With a deep sense of joy that comes from being fully present. Embracing life wholeheartedly. Seeking joy for myself and others.

So what did your fifty days ago look like? What will your fifty days from now look like? Grab my hand. Let’s go on an adventure. Let’s embark on an experimental journey. Let’s find peace ago and from now. Let’s find joy ago and from now. Let’s seek peace and joy in these moments that make up our lives. And let's be grateful, ago and from now.

Photo by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash

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