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There it is.

The date I wrote in my journal this morning.

A small, yet remarkable typographical error.

I sat at my desk, ready to follow my morning routine.

As I have faithfully done for the past five years.

Praying, meditating, and reading.

Then I entered my time of writing.

As I have faithfully done for the past five years.

Writing in my journals, analog and digital.

There was nothing remarkable about my handwritten journal.

This time when I take note of my prayers, affirmations, and gratitude.

These moments when I reflect on my reading time and capture some wandering wonderings.

But there was something remarkable about my digital journal.

This time when I take a deeper dive into my thoughts.

These moments when I contemplate, consider, and play with my wonderings.

There was a disruption, an unplanned action that caused a full stop.

I sat there staring at the screen where I had written the date.

Noticing that I had missed the "23" and instead typed "34."

There it was.

At that moment, I was transported.

Eleven years into the future.

July 16, 2034.

I sat there at my desk, frozen, looking at that date.

Not sure why I didn't just backspace and correct it.

I was mesmerized.

Physically frozen.

Mentally transported.

It was by no means an awful experience of regret.

It was actually a quite"awe-ful" experience of peace and joy.

In that flash of a moment, I was full of awe.

I pictured the moment, eleven years in the future.

This sixty-four-year-old man sitting at a desk.

Faithful to the discipline of prayer, reading, and writing.

Still taking in life's experiences.

Still seeking love, joy, and peace via faith, hope, and love.

Still searching for ways to self-actualize and serve heroically.

Just the thought of that sixty-four-year-old Thom made me smile.

The pause this morning reminded me of this great gift of life.

These beautiful moments, days, and seasons of life are a treasure.

I encourage you to pause, breathe, and smile as you take in this treasure.

Every day, you are working toward something special.

Your well-lived life that is much more a trajectory than a destination.

I pray you and I use this day well.

That we may use it as we become better versions of ourselves and help others do the same.

Today, make every effort to make that July 16, 2034 version of yourself proud.

There it is.

A small, yet remarkable typographical blessing.

I hope I'm right, and I get to see myself there, right here.


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