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Action and Contemplation

Draw peace and pour stillness.

Act and contemplate.

Trust, be open, and say “yes.”

My intention is personal renewal through action and contemplation. We are all continually being transformed as we renew our minds and hearts and spirits. This summer, I am drawing peace from my experiences and pouring stillness onto the pages of my life.

We each have our own unique virtues and shared universal virtues. My unique virtues are gratitude, spirituality, and the love of learning. These virtues guide my steps as I use my energy and time to develop my unique identity and path. Our shared universal virtues are faith, hope, and love. These virtues guide our steps as we enter this flow of life together to further develop and continue to write the story of Life. Here. Now. Always.

I first began reading and listening to Richard Rohr a few years ago. His influence has helped reignite the fire of my spirit. He is the founder for the “Center for Action and Contemplation” in Albuquerque, New Mexico. An odd name, I felt, but I’m beginning to understand. By nature, I like doing. I love the satisfaction of making lists and getting things done. But I’m finding the great value of being. Being present and appreciating the joys and the gifts of these days and moments we are given. The more time I spend in action and contemplation, the more I find balance in my unique virtues and the more I’m growing in the universal virtues of faith and hope and love.

The idea of these universal virtues come from David Steindl-Rast, another influence in my life. He has a way of addressing the deep yearnings of life with simple language that inspire wonder and awe as well as surprise and delight in everyday life. He says that gratitude opens the door to faith, hope, and love. Faith (the opposite of fear) is trusting ourselves to life. Hope (not “hopes”) is openness for surprise and the right attitude that leads to the unimaginable. Love is a limitless and radically lived “YES” to belonging.

One lesson David often repeats is that we need to “stop, look, and go.” The idea is that we need to frequently pause, be present, look around, say yes to life. We need to say yes to the “action” of life and the “contemplation” of life. We say yes, that there is much work to be done. We say yes, that there is much to be attuned to in the present moment. When action and contemplation work in tandem, life becomes much more full and robust.

One of my favorite stories is when Jesus calls a child and says that we need to change and become like little children. I love this because when I think of children, I think of wonder and awe. The surprise and delight. The unknowing and trust. The imperfections and curiosity. The learning and growing. The action and contemplation.

Today, let’s let life surprise and delight us.

Let’s live with faith and hope and love.

Let’s draw peace and pour stillness on this day.


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