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All and Forever

We are all and forever beginners. 

Two thoughts, good and beautiful, that make me smile. 

Read, Reflect, and Respond. 


While reading a passage from Richard Rohr’s Yes, And, one line struck me.

“We are all and forever beginners in the journey toward God and Truth.”

Looking back over my four years of journals and reflections, I can see this truth.

I can see how I’ve been transcending and including as my understanding has evolved and transformed over the years.

I don’t see myself as being necessarily wiser so much as I've become more in tune with who I have always been but did not understand at the time.

I have been on this journey toward God and Truth for as long as I can remember.

And though I am years and years closer, I see how clearly, I am always and forever a beginner on that journey.

We all change and grow.

And as we do, I pray we always and forever remain open to trust that we belong.

So we can greet each day with an enthusiastic YES! 

To life, to love, and to joy.  

In a journal, two years ago, I made note of two things that made me smile.

One was a passage written by David Steindl-Rast titled, A Good Day. 

He reminded me of my opportunities to respond to the infinite gifts of life with gratefulness.

To choose, not to have another day, but rather, to have a very good day.

Just the thought of David’s message makes me smile.

As does the thought of another spiritual mentor of mine, Fred Rogers.

His song, Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, is a testament to the way he lived his life.

Loving his neighbors - referencing Jesus who referenced Leviticus 19:18.

A day of love is a beautiful day.

So I have to give thanks to David and Fred for reminding me of this truth and for making me smile. 

I am grateful that I’ve adopted the daily disciplines of reading, reflecting, and journaling.

By committing to read books by wisdom teachers I respect, I commit to learn, to practice, and to reach toward mastery. And I remind myself to be forever open as a forever beginner on this forever wisdom journey.

Five years ago, I wrote the words, “Read. Reflect. Respond.” from Thomas Keating’s book, Open Mind, Open Heart.

I had already established this daily habit, but this was a “highligher-worthy” note to self.

This morning, as I reread those words, I realized that this is what I’ve been doing for five years.

Each and every day.

And I'm glad I took note.

Thomas has made an impact.

As have Fred, David, and Richard.

And for them and so many more wisdom teachers, I am grateful.

On this good and beautiful day. 

As a beginner, forever.


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