And Again
I must really need this.
I must really need to slow down and pause.
And breathe and smile.
Again. And again.
My journals have had some form of this reminder to myself all week.
Seeking peace and joy and love.
Slowing down to look around.
To be aware of the great mystery that is life.
To participate in it, appreciate it, and celebrate it.
"Seek it out today."
"Keep it going."
"It is always enough."
"Be joyful, be patient, be kind."
"Look for opportunities to practice presence."
These have been popping up in my journals.
But more importantly, these ideas have been popping up in my days.
As I reflect on this week, I see it over and over.
Moments where I did just that.
I paused, trying to take it in.
This life I'm living and sharing.
These moments of stillness wash over me.
Filling me with joy and awe.
I'm finding clarity again and again.
It's like peace and joy are continually following me.
But I haven't been still enough for them to catch me.
I get so caught up in the doingness of life, there is no room for the beingness.
This week, I've been much more intentional.
This stack of journal writing is evidence.
I'm doing things differently this week.
I'm taking my own advice.
Slowing down, breathing, and smiling.
We all have this one precious life.
Now what are we going to do with it?
We don't want to rush it.
And what are we going to do today with it?
We don't want to miss it.
So how are we going to live it?
I encourage us to approach it as though it were our last.
And if it were our first.
And I encourage us all to begin, always, with a pause.
And again.