And I Smiled
I wrote the word, "journal."
And I smiled.
Then I thought back to the train, the boat, and the halls.
And how I find myself smiling more and more often.
Even in the chaos of life.
Taking that moment to pause, breathe, and appreciate.
Maybe it's part of this second half of life, I find myself in.
I feel I have moved past the hurry and flurry I once lived.
That fear of missing out and drive to do more and more.
I see more and more often, I need to pause.
And smile.
Every day I journal.
Because I am a writer.
I enjoy the weekly blogs and the sporadic books, but the journal.
The journal is where the daily magic happens.
The journal is where I get caught in the flow.
The journal is a mix of handwriting and typewriting.
The flowing ink and text striping the blank pages with reckless abandon.
I just love it.
A few days ago, I wrote of those moments when I catch myself smiling.
Just immersed in the present moment.
In joy and in chaos, that pause and that breath make all the difference.
And it happened again.
I always begin my journal with an affirmation.
Then I add some scripture and some stoic wisdom.
I follow this with a few sentences of gratitude.
Then I read passages from a few carefully selected wisdom books and take notes.
Then, I write the word "journal" below my notes.
Then I turn my mind loose on the playground.
I let it play and wander wherever it chooses.
The thoughts flow on my computer, but I capture some of my favorites on paper.
It's the way I do it because it's the way that brings me joy.
So yesterday as I wrote the word, "journal," I smiled.
It's not the first time this has happened.
I look forward to that moment from the moment I wake.
And when I get to that moment,
writing the word "journal," I know I have arrived.
I've arrived with a smile many times, but yesterday, I noticed.
I paused and noticed the joy I felt simply being there.
I thought about the train, the boat, the halls, and the second half of life.
I thought about the simple joy of doing what I love.
And I thought what a blessing it was to have this gift.
This moment that I mostly share just with the Spirit and Giver of life.
This moment I share sometimes friends, family, and my community.
This moment that makes me smile.
And so I'll say again as I said last week.
I hope we can find more and more moments
to pause, breathe, be present,
and smile.
