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Approaching the Dream

“Life consists in what a man is thinking” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all else shall be added” ~ Matthew

Yesterday, I read those words from Matthew.

Then in my journal, I began a thought exercise.

I considered the thoughts,

What am I seeking?

What does “the kingdom of heaven” look like now?

What is my identity?

Who am I becoming?

Then today, I read those words from Emerson.

And today, I continued the exercise.

I considered the questions,

What do I think and dream about?

What is “the dream”?

What are the things that fill my mind?

What am I approaching?

I have been in pursuit of areté.

A Greek word that means excellence.

I see this as a daily choice to live to my full potential.

Closing the gap between who I am and who I am capable of being.

I see myself as a steward of this one and only life I’ve been given.

And every day is a gift I have been given to participate, appreciate, and celebrate.

To live well and to share as a gift with others.

So I considered these questions of my seeking and thinking.

I consider what I’m dreaming and living.

I do believe there is a kingdom of heaven that we are approaching.

Not with the vice of shallow desires, but with the virtue of awareness.

Choosing to live life better each day.

Choosing to serve others.

Choosing to be a good steward of this life, this day, and this moment.

As often as possible.

Yesterday, I wrote this prayer.

Today, may I live with patience and presence.

This morning, I wrote this.

Today, may I live with silence and stillness.

This is life.

This is the kingdom of heaven.

I have a pat response when people ask how I’m doing.

I'm living the dream.

I say this knowing full well that it is cliche and perhaps snarky.

But I say it with a grin, letting them know I’m in on the joke.

But also knowing there is truth to that statement.

What am I dreaming?

To live life a little better each day.

To serve others.

To be a good steward of this life I’ve been given.

Have I arrived? Absolutely not.

The Dream is not a destination, it is a process.

So I will never really arrive.

But I’m thinking about it, seeking it, and working on it.

So how am I doing? You might say,

I'm approaching the dream.


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