Better...than a Warrior
"Better a patient person than a warrior,
one with self-control than one who takes a city."
Proverbs 16:32
I've been reflecting on the idea of heroic living.
Heroic in the sense of self-actualizing and serving others.
Living life as the protagonist in one's own heroic journey.
A hero is a protector or defender with strength for two.
Someone who has crossed the threshold and left their ordinary world.
They are challenged and they grow and return to their world.
Not to bask in some post-journey retirement of bliss and self-indulgence.
But rather with experiences and gifts to give in service to others.
In greater service to the world.
We often use battles as a metaphor for life.
This is one way to symbolize our daily pursuit to live life better.
Of course, there are many metaphors we could use,
but I like the idea of life as a mission, journey, or adventure.
Not that anyone or anything is necessarily out to get us.
Not that we have anything to destroy or kill before we are destroyed or killed.
I like the simple idea that we are headed somewhere.
That we are on a continual path of transformation.
That we will always have struggles, obstacles, and resistance.
And that we can always continue to patiently put one foot forward.
Again and again and again.
The verse above from Proverbs is a familiar one.
That patience and self-control, or self-mastery, is the path to pursue.
I also notice the verse before this passage is often left out.
That "gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness."
Transformation takes time, symbolized by those gray hairs and that crown of splendor.
The experience of life in this unending heroic journey.
And in those experiences, we gain wisdom and understanding.
A gift for ourselves and for others.
This is heroic living.
Serving others.
Over time.
With self-control.
So today, remember.
We are not warriors on a battlefield.
That there are no dragons in our paths.
We are not living some mythical story from long ago.
Heroic living is about our very real life and our very real challenges.
Here and now.
So may we be patient and self-controlled.
May we enjoy this mission, this journey, this adventure.
So we can return with the gift of a transformed, heroic life.
Because today is a great day to be a hero.

Photo by Jaime Spaniol on Unsplash