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Change and Regain

"a process of change through which people

improve their health and wellness,

live self-directed lives, and

strive to reach their full potential."

"to regain a normal position or condition."

It's going much more slowly that I had hoped.

I'm just shy of nine weeks in, and

it seems that each day, I'm wrestling.

Grateful for how far I've come.

Wondering how much longer I have to go.

Both frustrated and excited in the speed of my progress.

I'm sure anyone who has done physical therapy can relate.

My injury is minor.

A torn meniscus.

My surgery was minor.

A partial meniscectomy.

Now as you read the words that follow, please know that

I am in no way comparing my struggles in physical therapy

with the struggles of people in recovery for addiction.

I only made a small connection that I wished to share.

About four months ago, I tore my meniscus.

It affected my life in a way that required professional attention.

The injury required surgery, and about nine weeks ago,

I had a partial meniscectomy.

Now I'm seeing a physical therapist

to recover from my injury and

to rebuild the strength in my knee.

I was thinking about the attention and intention

needed to help me recover from this injury.

Recovering. I needed to physically heal and grow stronger.

And I started thinking about other areas in my life.

I'm working very intentionally on my physical health and wellness.

Am I doing the same for my mental and spiritual wellness.

I looked up the word, recovery, and came across THIS article.

Which led me to THIS guide from SAMHSA, quoted above.

It reminded me that we all need to care for ourselves holistically.

Mind, body, and spirit.

I would never be so bold as to say I'm in "recovery."

I believe that word is reserved for people

who struggle living with the powerful force of addiction.

My return from injury cannot possibly compare.

But we are all trying to regain a "normal" state.

We all want to improve our health and wellness.

We all need to attend to our blind spots and weaknesses.

Mind, body, and soul.

And in doing so, we can improve our wellness.

We can strive to reach our potential.

We can begin regaining a normal position or condition.

This week, I was reminded of this.

I was injured.

My body was damaged.

Now I have this time of healing ahead of me.

I have things I am working toward. But as I work toward these goals, I have to be mindful of the whole. I have to be mindful and pay attention to all parts of my growth. When I find a weakness, or when one reveals itself to me through pain or injury, I need to give that injury and weakness my attention. Sometimes it takes a great deal of time to recover. This is true physically, mentally, and spiritually. Those times when I lack intention, I make mistakes and stumble. I fall short. Stumbles and injuries help me see where I am lacking. There is no reason to judge or be angry at my imperfections. I simply need to get to work doing the next right thing and taking the next right step. Physically, mentally, and spiritually.

This is a good lesson for me.

This is a good practice for patience,

temperance, and persistence.

I am grateful for the lessons learned

through this experience as I take time to

change and regain.


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