Connect the Unconnected
A few weeks ago, I spoke about being the Person and Presence in our lives.
This call to action came from a familiar message taught by a dear friend.
Today I have another call to action.
The call of another familiar message he gave.
The message that we are to Connect the Unconnected.
We are highly relational beings.
We have a deep need to connect to one another.
And there are far too many unconnected around us.
We are called to be the Person and Presence.
We are called to Connect the Unconnected.
And it is my experience that the key to connecting is to
And then to take another look at listening.
I'm taking some looks at how to better connect
and how to better listen.
It seems this is how to better relate
and how to better live.
Looking and Listening.
Being and Connecting.
Brilliantly modeled by the aforementioned Person and Presence.
The energy that exists between.
The feeling of being seen and heard and valued.
The deriving of sustenance and strength.
What a beautiful call we have.
The call to be present, to be person, and to connect.