Every Day, All Day
"Every Day Excellence." ~ Rick Weinheimer
"All Day." ~ Nick Laskaris.
This morning, I was thinking about the wisdom of Rick and Nick.
Two master coaches who fire me up and get me excited about living life well.
Modeling a mindset of discipline and excellence every day and all day.
There are many heroes that I admire and respect.
Men and women with great experience, integrity, and wisdom.
I know these two heroes personally, and I am so grateful and honored that I do.
My current writing project is about heroic living.
Not in the sense of slaying dragons and standing on battlefields.
But in facing challenges, resistance, and adversity with strength and courage.
A hero is a protector, with strength for two.
Someone who leaves their ordinary world and is transformed.
They struggle through their journey, then return home with a gift.
The gift is the treasure they earn after they answer the call to action.
Not avoiding pain and struggles, but instead facing them.
Growing strength, self-actualizing, and then returning ready to serve others.
This is the gift from the hero's journey.
But heroes need guides and mentors along the way.
Wise counsel to help them navigate the path.
What I find compelling about this project is the gift it is to me.
I am giving and receiving the message at the same time.
Teaching about the journey as I live the journey myself.
Every day, I begin with my purpose in mind.
I think of the product I am creating.
And I stay faithful to the process of facing resistance.
I'm learning and living the lessons.
I'm moving from theory to practice toward mastery.
Showing up, doing the work, and enjoying the process.
Rick defines excellence this way.
"Achieving at the highest level possible over a long period of time."
Nick's mantra is "All Day" effort.
Today is a great day to take this advice.
It's a great day to be a hero.
To show up with an "every day, all day" mentality.
I am grateful for my mentors and for the heroes in my life.
And I am grateful for those I am blessed to serve.
May I serve heroically.
Living as it has been modeled to me through these two men.
Living with purpose, on purpose, and for this purpose.
Living with arete, striving for excellence, every day and all day.
