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Falling and Stepping Back

First of all, I would like to say thank you to October. Thank you for the days you gave us. Days to be with family. Days to watch the seasonal change. Days to breathe and be. Thank you for your beauty. Thank you for your sustenance. Thank you for the rhythm of life as you carried us for thirty-one days and nights. I thank you and bid you farewell until we meet again.

With that said, I would like to welcome November into our lives. Another month to step into and begin to find a new rhythm. Another month that will come, full of life and energy. Another month that will go, quietly fading as the ever-shifting spotlight of our energy and focus will begin to set its sights on December.

So as we take this step from October to November, we are greeted with an odd gift: the addition of an hour to the day. The "falling back" of the clock allows us to save an hour of evening sunlight. And now, here we are, looking at our clocks that just yesterday would have read one hour later. Now we have this new hour to do with as we wish. What are your plans with this hour?

I plan on taking my hour and "stepping back" with it. Just taking a couple extra minutes a day to step back and breathe. Step back and take a look at my life, my priorities, and how I'm using my energies. We have been given this hour. This sixty additional minutes to use this month. It seems appropriate that we should not use these minutes all at once. I choose to spread these sixty minutes evenly to enjoy them over these next thirty days.

Today, I encourage you to take a step back as you fall back. I encourage you to take two of your new minutes to just breathe. Two minutes to think about these precious days we've been given. October was a gift. November is a gift. Take this gift and hold on to it. Day after day, take those moments to see the beauty and hope and opportunity. Choose to live life better and help others do the same. Choose to say kind words. Choose to build others up. Choose compassion for yourself and for others. Then each day, take a moment to say thanks.

Fall back today. Step back today. Give yourself some feedback today.

Enjoy your two minutes and enjoy your day!

Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash



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