Glancing Back, Looking Ahead
I have this weekly ritual of journal reading.
Every day, for the past five years, I have been writing in a journal.
Recently, I've adopted the habit of weekly reflections.
Glancing back over the week to see what's on my mind.
This ritual helps me see patterns and themes in my writing and ultimately in my living.
Sometimes I enrich this reflection by looking back to previous years of journaling.
Today, I looked back at my journals on this date over the past four years.
What was 2022 Thom doing on June 11?
How about 2021 Thom?
What was on 2020 Thom's mind?
I enjoy looking back to see what this day looked like in previous years.
And since I started this practice, I've noticed even more patterns and themes emerging.
Those seasonal tendencies tend to go unnoticed, buried in the day-to-day work.
But this discipline has revealed my discipline.
Faithfulness to the process over the long term.
I've had this stirring and nudging for some time.
This desire to create as I participate in life.
There is a bass note that resonates deep within me to appreciate and celebrate this gift.
This life we've been given and this adventure we find ourselves in.
By looking back, I can take a better look around to find my bearings.
Then, I get a sense of where this soul force is leading me.
Each time I look over my week, I get a sense of direction.
Looking back over the season and years leading up to this day, I see my purpose with more clarity.
I have a better sense of where I'm headed.
Life truly is an adventure.
And we cannot possibly be prepared for the mystery that will unfold before us.
But we CAN have a grounded sense of self.
We CAN have a sense of our trajectory.
And by glancing back and looking ahead, we CAN take a breath.
We can pause, breathe, and smile knowing this day has meaning and purpose.
This day, with all of its struggles and joys and pains and celebrations, is necessary.
It is a necessary step to take.
To participate, to appreciate, and to celebrate.
We don't need to react, we can respond and create.
And that is what I choose to do, day after day.
Journal after journal.
Reflection after reflection.
So today, why don't you join me?
Take a glance back, take a look ahead, then enjoy the beauty that is this day.
Every day.
Starting today.