Have a Great Page!
Your 366 Page Book
In forty six days, we will take this book and put it on the shelf. This book is nearing the end. When we come to the end of page three sixty-six, we will hold this book for a moment and reflect on it. We will thumb through the pages remembering the good and the bad, the joys and the pains, the laughter and the tears. We will look at our book a few more moments, take a deep breath, then put it on the shelf next to last year’s book. Then, in forty six days, we will open up a brand new book, turn to page one, and begin writing again.
Today is ¼ of 1%
Today, we have one page to write. We are currently on page three hundred twenty. That’s today’s page. In this book, we can’t go back and edit old pages or jump ahead a draft out a few pages. Today, this page is all we have. When the book is placed on the shelf, everything we do today will be written on page three hundred twenty. And this will amount to just about one-fourth of one percent of this year's book. Think about that. One-fourth of one percent. It will take almost four days of writing to make up one percent of this book that tells the story of our year. And a lot can be said in those four simple pages.
Saying Much With Little
To the wise and patient, this fact holds great power and significance. What we do with today matters, even though, what we hold feels so small. If we're not careful, we can think "what can we do in just a day?" But the wisdom that lies within us knows that we can also say, "look at all that can be done in just a day!" When we choose to use our one-fourth of one percent, we build toward something special. Each page makes a statement, and each page can be vibrant and alive. Let’s take a moment to consider just how much we can say with today’s page.
Page 320
So here we are on page three hundred twenty. Forty six pages to go. We have a lot to add to this book, but we can only write for today. As for me, I sit here this evening watching my page growing long. The black lines continue to stripe the page, but I know that this page will come to an end and will only comprise ¼ of 1% of this book. Looking back, I'm sure I'm like you, wishing I could edit the pages past. Like you, I have highlights that I wouldn't trade in those same passages past. But today, I sit and watch this page find its end. Tonight, I'll close the book. Tomorrow, I'll open it again, finding a blank page ready for me to begin writing again. Ready for the next ¼ of 1% of my book. I'm already looking forward to it, but for right now, I'll just enjoy page 320.
I pray today you have a great page! Today and tomorrow.
Photo by Tamara Gak on Unsplash