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I’m here, but I’m just not here

...and then I stopped. And it was okay.

For nearly three years, I had a daily practice.

Sharing quotes and thoughts and wisdom and ideas.

I shared things I found inspiring, encouraging, and hopeful.

I shared things I’d read, and studied, and learned.

I shared my weekly blog posts and even some of my weekly “notes from the chaplain.”

...and then I stopped. And it was okay.

I’m here, but I’m just not here.

I’m still learning. Still writing.

I’m here living life deeply and fully.

But I’m just not here on social media.

Likely few have noticed, but my last daily post was two weeks ago.

My last weekly blog post was last week.

I had been thinking about this for a while, but I finally decided to step away and take a break for a bit.

This was an intentional decision.

Intentional because I’m taking part in a new thing.

As you may recall, I was blessed to be a Lilly Teacher Creativity Fellowship recipient.

My project title was, “A Writer’s Contemplation: Drawing peace from the monastic experience, pouring stillness on the pages of life’s story.” My project purpose was to “learn to quiet my mind, make space in my spirit, and write from the source of my soul.”

Well, summer is here, and the project has begun. My travels begin next week, but the project has already begun. My intention is less doing and more being, so I am finding ways to make more space for this experience.

One area I considered was the daily social media practice.

I enjoy connecting with extended family and friends, but to fully immerse myself in this project, I plan to connect more fully with my own spirit while I rest in the presence of God. I plan to develop practices that will last a lifetime and develop myself as I focus on awareness through contemplative prayer, meditation, and writing.

I decided a break from social media could help to make room for this.

...and so I stopped. And it was okay.

I plan to continue writing and sharing on my website, but for this summer, I plan to take this step away. I won’t completely disappear. I plan to log on once a week to share a post or a quick update. But the daily sharing is on hold.

So if you need me, feel free to email, text, or call.

I want to hear from you and I’ll get back with you.

Because I’m still here, just not...


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