Invisible Forces In Visible Forces
Steven Pressfield has me thinking.
He has a way of doing that.
The simple messages of his books have a common theme I love.
And I am embracing the idea that we are living The War of Art while we daily Do the Work.
I am working to develop a mindset of Turning Pro on The Artist's Journey I'm traveling.
I have Steven whispering in my ear to Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be.
I love this, and I have this idea.
I have this idea for another writing project.
It's been a few marinating for a few months and I've pressed forward.
And I've put thought and work into this project a little each day.
Still a long way from having clarity of thought.
Just plugging along, allowing the Invisible Forces to do their work.
Steven spends much time discussing Resistance.
That Invisible Force that keeps us from living the lives we wish to live.
And in these discussions, he gives clear instructions on how to battle these forces.
The most powerful of these weapons is the power of habit.
The power to simply show up each day and do the work we can do.
There is no need for excuses or blaming or complaining.
If we wish to have any hope against Resistance, we need to trust.
Trusting that if we show up and build habits and systems, the muse will find favor.
We can reach through that thin space into the divine realm.
If we are persistent, the invisible forces will do battle.
And armed with the tools to face Resistance, we can do powerful work.
The Invisible battle will bear fruit In Visible Forces.
I have this idea.
It's been brewing for some time now.
It is an idea framed in the hero's journey.
Departure, Initiation, and Return.
Battling forces we do not see in visible form.
The battles are invisible as are the forces.
I'm also bringing in thoughts of my personal mission in life.
A mission that is foundationally unchanged, but expressed in varying ways.
Currently, I could say it boils down to these two terms.
Participation and Appreciation.
I could also express this as Action and Contemplation.
The doing-ness and being-ness of life.
We have the great gift of this life.
It only makes sense that we participate and find joy in it.
It only makes sense that we appreciate the countless gifts we find.
So the project is taking form.
Somewhere in the divine realm, there is a book.
A written piece that draws together the hero's journey and these great gifts.
I keep reaching every day into this Invisible realm.
Reaching for these Invisible Forces to permeate my life.
These forces that influence the being-ness and doing-ness of The Visible.
So here I am, doing the work.
Putting my ass here in this chair.
Making my way on this artist's journey
Grateful to participate and open to appreciate.
Patiently working with these invisible forces.
Patiently waiting for these in visible forces.
Photo by Elisabeth Arnold on Unsplash