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Love the Discipline

"Love the discipline."

These words found me.

They were hiding in the Afterward of Ryan Holiday's book, Discipline is Destiny

As I near the final paragraphs, I have those familiar mixed feelings.

The joy of finishing another great book.

The sadness of saying goodbye.

Or at least, "see you later," as I know I'll return to it.

The words above resonated in this book's final section.

Ryan tells the story about hitting the wall in the final stages of this project.

After investing two years, he began to question this piece.

He began to feel doubt and despair.

Things were not coming together as he had hoped.

And he did not see a clear path to the end.

In one of those dark moments,

he turned to his notecards written months earlier.

One of his notecards struck him.

Trust the process. Keep doing my cards...

If I have done my work, there will be a book there.

He then went on to quote Marcus Aurelius,

Love the discipline you know, and let it support you.

I have been consistently writing for the past five years.

The discipline is to read, take notes and write in my journal daily.

Another practice is to write and publish a weekly blog.

I also keep a book project rolling along in the background.

These usually take a year or two to complete.

The discipline of writing has given me gifts.

This daily practice has transformed my very nature.

It supports me and connects me.

I know there are few that read these words.

If you are one of those few, thank you for your time and trust.

And I encourage you as Ryan encouraged me this morning.

Pursue your purpose every day.

Trust the practice.

Reflect often.

Be open and rethink.

Love and embrace the mystery.

Keep showing up.

The transformation will find you.

And the gift is priceless.

Love the discipline.

Photo by Dave Lowe on Unsplash


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