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Master, Serve, Empower, and Change


Master yourself. Serve heroically. Empower others to do the same.

Let’s change the world. One person at a time. Together.

~Brian Johnson, Optimize

Here I am, exploring this new stretch of road in my life. I’m still headed in the same direction, but I’ve been blessed with a little more clarity. Now I have about a dozen days of “Optimize Coach” training under my belt, and let me tell you, I am LOVING it. I’m super excited, so please bear with my enthusiasm as I share. I have some work to do here, and hopefully, you do too.

So my unofficial life coach, Brian Johnson, has a pretty ambitious mission statement for his coaching program. But one of the things I admire so much about Brian is his grounded approach that leads students in a natural progression from theory to practice to mastery. He is a master teacher who takes the best of ancient wisdom and modern science and has distilled this wealth of knowledge into practical tools and practices. And what I really really love is that he’s truly a good man with a heart for people. Let's take a closer look at his mission.

Master yourself. Learning how to live life more intentionally and optimally in order to have a compelling, well-lived life. Nice!

Serve heroically. Clearly he is on a higher mission.

Empower others to do the same. Paying it forward. Teaching that we are not simply consumers of well lived lives. It is our responsibility to be equipped to thrive and help equip others thrive.

Let’s change the world. Again, ambitious. But think about the people who have changed us. Our worlds are changed over and over by people who invest in us and love us. That intention has profound implications.

One person at a time. I LOVE this! This is the most practical way to be world changers. Not by some vague scattered affect we may or may not have on society, but specifically with the people in our lives. Giving our presence and focused attention to one at a time. Beautiful!

Together. I just love this too! We are not on our own. We have each other. We are all highly relational and interdependent. This is not about us thriving in life individually. It is ours to thrive collectively.

So imagine putting that all together. Mastering yourself, serving heroically, empower others to do the same. Changing the world, one person at a time, together. I’m in! The more I get to know this Optimize Coaching program, the more I appreciate how much it aligns with my own personal values and mission. This is not meant to be a commercial for Brian Johnson and his work, but I do hope you look at the message of his mission and consider your own life’s mission, and I encourage you to take a step toward optimizing your own life and actualizing your own potential. Starting today.

Have a great day.

Wait, actually...have an optimal day :)


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