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My A and V of Life

Hal Elrod discusses Life “SAVERS” from his book, The Miracle Morning.

The SAVERS are daily practices that help us transform our lives. They are…

Silence - quieting your mind, breathing slowly, and praying.

Affirmation - knowing you are worthy and deserving of transformation.

Visualization - picturing the person you wish to be and thinking about what you can do to live like that person today.

Exercise - taking care of your body.

Reading - learning and growing.

Scribing - keeping a daily journal.

Today I want to focus on my A and my V of Life.

My Affirmation and my Visualization.

I have this daily prayer printed and hanging in my office at home and on the wall by my desk at work. I use this prayer as an affirmation of who I am and as a visualization of who I wish to be. I am always changing and refining it, but I love to have a grounding message on my mind throughout the day. This is my daily prayer.

May I take this moment to pause, smile, and breathe deeply. Remembering that this day is a gift. Memento mori. May I live this day as if it were my last, and may I live this day as if it were my first. May I remember that in all things, the only appropriate response is gratefulness. Grateful for the opportunity to respond as an instrument of Your peace.

May I live with patience and presence, silence and stillness, serenity, courage, and wisdom. May I practice faith (trust), hope (openness), and reckless love (belonging and connection). May I be centered mind, body, and spirit in both action (doing/participating) and contemplation (being/appreciating). May I recognize opportunities to practice unconditional mercy, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and acceptance for self and others finding Christ’s rest, God’s peace, the Spirit’s freedom.

May I trust that I am granted permission to ask, seek, knock, question, wrestle, wait, and listen. May I trust that I have permission to participate in the great adventure of life: letting go of myself, saying yes to the great mystery, and allowing myself to be transformed and renewed. Today, may I pause, grateful for Life and grateful for my opportunity to participate on and in this very good, beautiful day with love and reverence for all of Life, loving what God loves, all creation, my neighbors, and my neighborhood, with love that never fails.

May I be present and aware, rediscovering childlike wonder and awe and surprise and delight, finding joy and beauty and laughter and appreciation of life. Today, may I be a good steward of this life, this day, and this moment. The only life, day, and moment I have. May I live this day well and to Your glory.



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