My "May I" Prayer
This is my centering prayer.
Lines borrowed, written, and modified.
Filled with "May I..." statements to anchor and prepare me for my day.
This works for me.
I encourage you to find and develop a daily "may I" prayer that works for you.
Please feel free to borrow these borrowed words of mine.
Grace and peace to you today.
And "may you..."
Pause, breathe, and smile.
Remember that this day, and every day, is a precious gift.
And that my only appropriate response to this gift is gratefulness.
May I live this day as if it were my last - with love, joy, and peace.
And may I live this day as if it were my first - with faith, hope, and love.
Today, may I participate, celebrate, and appreciate.
make me an instrument of Your peace.
May I greet hatred, injury, doubt, despair, darkness, and sadness
with love, pardon, faith, hope, light, and joy.
Today, may I live with
patience and presence,
silence and stillness
serenity, courage, and wisdom.
Today, may I practice
faith and trust, hope and openness, and reckless love, belonging, and connection
centered - mind, body, and soul
in action (doing-ness, participating) and contemplation (being-ness, appreciating).
Today, may I recognize opportunities for
unconditional grace, mercy, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and acceptance for self and others
finding Christ’s rest and strength, God’s peace and stillness, the Spirit’s freedom and courage.
Today, may I trust that I am granted
permission to ask, seek, knock, question, wrestle, wait, and listen
permission to participate in the great adventure of Life: letting go and departing,
saying yes to Your great mystery, and returning transformed and renewed.
Today, may I pause,
grateful for Life and for my opportunity to participate on and in this very good, beautiful day
with love and reverence, loving what God loves - all creation, my neighbors, and my neighborhood - with love that never fails.
Today, may I be present and aware,
rediscovering childlike wonder and awe and surprise and delight
finding joy and beauty and laughter and appreciation of life.
Today, may I be
a good steward and curator of this life, this day, and this moment;
the only life, day, and moment I have.
And may I live it with serenity, courage, and wisdom.
Every day, starting today.
Background photo by César Couto on Unsplash