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Pass It On

"At 31, I have just weeks to live.

Here's what I want to pass on."

Elliot Dillon

If you have a moment, stop reading and go directly HERE.

This is a post I came across this week.

Words that landed heavily on my heart.

Earlier this week, our community lost a young life.

The pain of losing a child is unimaginable.

Our community has sent thoughts and prayers daily to his parents.

As well as to his family and friends share in the pain of this loss.

It was humbling to sit in his service and see the hundreds gathered.

Knowing hundreds of others were unable to attend.

This young life full of hope and promise cut short.

As I was processing this tragedy, it led me to think of this young man's legacy.

A legacy of life, robust and full, even with so few years.

It reminded me of life's fragility and the precious gift that is each new day.

No one knows how many days we are given.

This was a tragic shock

And as I thought about legacy, I thought about the tragic loss of life that we see coming.

The people living with terminal illnesses who see lives slowly come to a close.

THIS POST is written by Elliot Dillon.

I cannot in any way add to his words.

But I can most certainly appreciate and share this young man's wisdom.

I'll leave you with these words, but again, I recommend you read from the original post.

Here are some of his words:

Live with gratitude.

A life, if lived well, is long enough.

Be vulnerable and connect with others.

Do something for others.

Protect the planet.

May we all remember that life is a precious gift and be grateful.

May we learn from this wisdom how to live each day well.

May we trust and be vulnerable so we can connect with others, loving and being loved.

May we serve heroically, giving of ourselves as a community of fellow life travelers.

May we protect our home, this planet, so that we may all live and thrive and pass this home on to those who follow.

Thank you Elliot for your words of wisdom and your charge to act.

May we hear these words and put them into practice today and every day.

Grace and peace.

Background Photo by Nick Iliasov on Unsplash


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