Pause, Breathe, and Smile. Again.
I was thinking of the Train, the Boat, and the Hallway.
The idea of finding peace where we are and when we are.
This gift is always a pause, a breath, and a smile away.
I'm about seven months into my current writing project.
A book for middle school students.
Sharing ideas about how to live better and serve others.
It's challenging to work with middle school students.
But this is a precious stewardship I've been given.
And I do not take this charge lightly.
It's hard to be a middle school student.
This is a challenging world to navigate.
And so much vies for their attention.
So, ironically, I'm vying for their attention.
Because I've been at this for the past couple of decades.
And I care and have some ideas.
This morning I read a quote from poet Mary Oliver.
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life."
This is a great question for us all to ask ourselves.
But to ask, we need to be aware.
We need to take a moment to pause.
It is so easy to get swept away by distractions.
We all need tools to help us act with intention.
A great tool is to take a moment to breathe.
This allows us to clear our minds and remember.
We do have but one wild and precious life.
Any time we remember this, it is a good moment to smile.
I also read a quote from the Buddha this morning.
"Be vigilant; guard your mind against negative thoughts."
How true and relevant that wisdom still is today.
My book project is like my own life project.
There is still much work to do.
But I can only do what I can do at this moment.
And I am.
Still writing.
Still pausing.
Still breathing.
Still smiling.
Like a man on a train, in a boat, or in a hallway.