Re-Coyle and Rethink
"Greatness isn't born. It's Grown." from The Talent Code
"The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know." from Think Again
Three Books
That's what I've found works for me.
I read three books at a time.
As I finish one, I add another to the rotation.
This morning, I finished re-reading Daniel Coyle's The Talent Code.
A book that helped me completely rethink and reshape how I teach and coach.
It has been instrumental in my personal and professional transformation.
I often eye the prospects as I near the end of a book.
Considering how to fill that third book gap.
Today, Adam Grant's book, Think Again, caught my eye.
A Surprise
This book was not on my radar.
It just seemed to find me at the right time.
I am glad it jumped to the front of the line.
A Suprise
I seek answers, but I find peace with unanswered questions.
I like to have trust that something special waits for me.
This gives me the openness to be surprised and delighted, as I was today.
And an Insight
I'm currently working on a project about heroic living.
I've battled with the idea of developing weapons for the warrior.
Today I created the alternative of creating tools for the craftsman.
Tools vs Weapons
Tools create, build, restore, and bring to life.
Weapons defend, destroy, injure, and take of life.
I respect the warrior mindset, but I prefer the craftsman mindset.
Greatness and Power
I'm grateful for a look back at Talent('s) Code.
I'm hopeful for a look forward to Think(ing) Again.
For the progress made and to be made on this great and powerful journey.