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Recognize, Choose, Step, Live

“In any given moment,

we have two choices:

step forward into growth

or step backward into safety.”

~ Abraham Maslow ~

There was a moment, two hundred fourteen days ago, when I had two choices before me. To step forward into growth or back into safety. That moment, I chose to step forward and begin my Optimize Coach training.

This three hundred day program helps aspiring coaches self actualize, serve heroically, and empower others to do the same. I am grateful that this next obvious step presents itself to me over and over. Each day since that first day, I wake and am allowed the choice to step forward into growth with intention and purpose. Moment after moment.

Now, here I am. Thousands and thousands of moments later, grateful for that decision to choose and to step and choose and step and choose and step. Here I am, grateful that I continue to choose and step, closing the gap between my current self and my best self, living life well. Moment to moment.

Much has happened in these two hundred fourteen days. As I look back, I feel and see the results of my consistent daily practices. The practices of choosing and stepping again and again and again. There is a slow, steady transformation taking place. And I like what I’m feeling and seeing. I like who I’m becoming. I like where I’m headed. I like the choices. I like the steps. I like the moments.

Since that decision to begin the Optimize program, I’ve developed the presence necessary to recognize these opportunities to choose. I’ve developed the awareness of these countless moments that present themselves to us. These moments to choose. I’m grateful to say that I’m developing the habit of choosing to take those small steps forward again and again and again. And these steps and moments are adding up.

I have a couple of “wildly important goals” I’ve been working on. Goals I’d been working on long before the Optimize program. But over these two hundred forty days, I’ve met these goals with more clarity and a stronger sense of direction. One “WIG” is to be a better writer and communicator. The other “WIG” is to be a better co-traveler on this life’s journey. Or more simply, I want to live life well and help others do the same. We’re all stepping forward into this great mystery of life. I love that we have a choice to step forward together.

Every life is precious. Every life is worthy. Every life is struggling and growing as it navigates the obstacles in its path. And every life needs co-travelers. Thank you for sharing this journey of life with me. Thank you for being a few of my co-travelers. I hope you recognize the beauty of the choices that lie before you. I hope you step forward. I hope this day greets you with opportunities to grow and transform. I hope that today, you can live life just a little better and help others do the same. Moment by moment. Choice by choice. Step by step.


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