My daily practice of writing and journaling is a few years old.
My weekly practice of reflection and review is a few months old.
I enjoy the discipline of these practices.
I appreciate the benefit and impact they have had on me.
The daily practice involves a time of silence, reading, and writing.
The weekly practice involves looking back and reflecting on the path.
Looking ahead, looking back, and being present.
Participating in life, appreciating life, and celebrating life.
In this second half of my life, I've been stepping forward into growth.
Fully understanding that a well-lived life is asymptotic.
I continually work to close the gap between who I am and who I'm capable of being.
Knowing full well that I will never arrive at a state of success in life.
A well-lived life is a life-long pursuit.
These reflections are merely a chronicle.
They allow me to check in with myself.
I know I will never be exonerated from the challenges of life.
But living with consistently high standards allows me to be productive and happy.
I feel peace and satisfaction with my path in all of its imperfections.
So I look back and I look forward, day after day.
And in doing so, I learn to rest in the present, doing the work of right now.
Nurturing and growing each day and each week, moment to moment.
What follows is a quick reflection on last year at this time, then on this past week.
Last January, I was reading Brene Brown and Kristin Neff.
So my journals were filled with self-care writings.
Seeking unconditional love, mercy, and forgiveness for self and others.
There was a long stretch of journals related to this topic and these readings.
That was an important season for me.
Looking at this past week, I'm reading from Holiday, Coyle, and Easwaran.
So I've been focusing on discipline, talent, and spirit.
This too is a good season of reading and applying wisdom to my life.
As a writer, teacher, coach, husband, dad, and chaplain, I need these lessons.
I need these practices to continue self-actualizing and serving heroically.
I use this time of learning to help me move from theory to practice toward mastery.
Personally and professionally, striving for every day excellence.
As I reflect on this past year and week, I like where I've been.
I understand that I am not yet where I need to be.
As I look forward, I like where I'm going.
Stepping forward into growth day after day.
Faithful to the practices I've adopted.
Now as I enter this day, I am grateful.
For the particulars of my unique life experiences.
For the universals of my shared life experiences.
So as I look back and forward, I can take a breath and be here now.
Grateful for my opportunity to participate, appreciate, and celebrate.
In this gift, this endless flow of moments life has in store for us.