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Rest and Lie Fallow

Who reads six books at one time?

This is a question I ask myself

as I take a glace at four stacked here in my office

and think of the two by my bed.

In effect, I’m starting five new books.

Because I just finished four this week.

Big Magic, (EG)

Several Short Sentences, (VK)

How to Be Here, (RB)

and Stillness is the Key. (RH)

I read multiple books at a time.

It's the way that works for me as a slow reader.

A book can take me weeks.

It takes me time to soak in the words.

To read and reread and underline.

To write in the columns

and take notes in my journals.

To go back and read my previous notes

before picking up where I left off.

It seems tedious, but it's my way.

It works for me.

And I owe it to the writers. I owe it to them men and women who have given years (perhaps decades) of their lives earning the experience necessary to pour their hearts into these books that take months (perhaps years) to write. So taking a few weeks to read and soak it in seems the least I can do.

So why read six books?

Great question.

Really it's because each book has a purpose.

Keeping me energized as a writer.

Helping me hone my writing craft.

Nudging me to reach deeper within.

Encouraging me to ask deep questions.

Reminding me to be fully present, engaged, and at peace as I hold the paradox of action and contemplation as I search for and find faith, hope, and love in my centering in the Trinity and my own triune of mind, body, and soul.

And because I enjoy reading multiple books.

I was thinking about winter,

this season of rest for nature.

I was thinking this beautiful

opportunity of rest for humanity.

Both unique and universal.

And in the fallow of winter,

in this season of renewal,

books make great company.

So allow me to introduce you to the books and writers who will be my company over these next few weeks and months. Books that will help me settle my mind, body, and spirit. Writers who will accompany me as I rest, regenerate, and recover from this busy year. I'm excited to share this fallow with my honored guests.

Bird by Bird, (AL)

Daring Greatly, (BB)

Inspired, (RHE)

Everything is Spiritual, (RB)

and Courage is Calling. (RH)

These five join my old friend, Yes, And... (RR)

So this is where I am, and this is what I am doing.





Lying fallow.

Taking the time necessary for nutrients to return and soak into my soil.

I am grateful for these men and women who will accompany me through these next few weeks and months. On the other side of these books, I am sure I will have cultivated a deeper understanding of myself and of life. I am embracing the mystery that will definitely still be full of mystery, but I am excited to begin this time of slowing down before the growth and rebirth of spring begins.

Thank you in advance to my fellow journeymen and journeywomen.

I’m looking forward to the new soil that awaits and the adventure that will follow.


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