Running in the Sanctuary
I admit.
I was told, more than once,
"No running in the sanctuary!"
Later, I did the same.
Passing that mandate along to my own kids.
The sanctuary is not the place for reckless play.
But now
I'm second guessing
this sanctuary rule.
I went to George and Charles and Noah for some help.
You might know them as two Merriams and a Webster.
I wanted their thoughts on the word, Sanctuary.
They said it was a consecrated place...sacred.
A place for worship...a place of refuge.
A from intrusion.
I was thinking about the Sanctuary
as I was reading the chapter of "wholehearted parenting"
from Brené Brown's book, Daring Greatly.
As parents, we will not be perfect,
but we can pay attention, be engaged, and be open.
We can invest our time and our energy.
Engagement requires we invest.
We offer, surrender, and sacrifice.
We make things "holy" or set apart.
Brené says that wholehearted living (and parenting)
is imperfect, vulnerable, and messy.
But it creates something sacred.
Which brings us back to the sanctuary.
This sacred space made holy, in spite of
and because of our imperfect presence.
So why is there no running allowed?
Why is there no playing and laughing and chasing?
I think this rule, this mandate, deserves a second look.
I don't remember Jesus having a sanctuary rule.
I remember him calling for the children.
With all of their life and energy and imperfection and joy.
We need to remember that every where we step is sacred ground.
So I think it's time to take our kids' lead and play and engage in life.
I think it's time we all go for a little run in the sanctuary.