Seven Days In
Last week, I planted some Seeds, and I am already beginning to see the ground breaking. I am already beginning to see the green peeking through that broken ground. I've noticed that over these past seven days, I've taken pause more often than normal. I've noticed through the Mundanity, there has been a slow, steady growth. I know that if I can trust this growth with my patience, this will lead to and through the path of excellence in life. The simple things, such as a Note, can have a dramatic effect on my day. I can Listen and hear more clearly. I can appreciate more deeply. I can see that Each truly is enough. I think of Paul's fruit that begins with those simple seeds. The fruit that I seek each day, the fruit still in its infancy. With fifty-three to go, I'm looking forward to the growth to come. But really, I'm just patiently enjoying the growth in this moment, right now, just sitting here, seven days in.