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The Best You Can

"Do the best you can until you know better.

Then when you know better, do better."

Maya Angelou

You need not read any further.

There is not much of anything I can say to add to this wisdom.

I'm just here, doing the best I can until I know better.

We all have the tools and experiences we have.

We all can do the best we can, where we are, with what we have.

Then, hopefully, we gain more tools and experiences that equip us better.

Then we can do better still.

And as we look around, there is no need to judge or condemn others.

They are only where they are as we are only where we are.

And just as we need mercy and grace in our growth, so do those around us.

Sometimes, our best is better than the best in some others.

Sometimes, the best in others is better than our best.

I need this reminder often.

As I seek love, joy, and peace in life, I must have faith and hope.

In myself, and in others.

So I ask that we take Maya's advice.

Doing our best.

Finding new tools.

Gaining new experiences.

Learning to do even better.

So we can then, do better.



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