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The Luminous Pause

Shifty targets. 

The luminous pause. 

Peace is every step. 

Today, I am welcoming a mindset of every day excellence and areté. Thinking of this phrase and this word that I’ve been writing at the top of each journal page this year. This mindset is proving to be a valuable resource to draw upon as I seek to live this life fully. As I seek peace, joy, love, with serenity, courage, and wisdom, in faith, hope, and love. 

My goals and target continually evolve as I am slowly transformed by life experiences and lessons. Things are falling together and my target shifts. 

Achievement looks different each new year and each new season. I am learning to live more days with Rick Weinheimer’s mindset of Every Day Excellence and Brian Johnson’s mindset of Areté. Living on purpose, with purpose, and for a purpose. Moving from theory to practice toward mastery in this luminous pause. Thank you for those wisdom gems, gentlemen.

I found this quote from Carl Jung in an old journal of mine: Life is a luminous pause between two great mysteries, which themselves are one. I LOVE this! The mystery that precedes and them mystery that follows this season we call life is so far beyond our comprehension and imagination. And that's okay. I am certainly at peace with the unknowing. How can I be anything but at peace? There is a serenity in that acceptance.  

The serenity in this luminous pause reminds me of the summer Jill and I visited Deer Park Monastery in Escondido, California. The day we walked the trails with the monks and saw the signs everywhere reminding us that I have arrived. I am home. And the beautiful reminder that Peace is Every Step. The choice of serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Such as the mystery that is this luminous pause between the two great pauses that precede and follow. All the while, choosing to live with excellence, with areté, and with virtue. Because we can. Because it is right. May I find peace today. because have an appointment with life.  

Every step. 

Sign at Deer Park Monastery. Escondido, CA.


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