The Sacred Journey Home
Three months ago, I stood at the entrance of this labyrinth.
I was beginning my summer Sacred Journey.
A journey to experience contemplative prayer.
A journey to connect to God and others.
A journey that led me to the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
And at that moment, as I stood at the entrance of this labyrinth, I had no idea where this moment would lead.
Over these past few months, I have fully embraced the contemplative practice.
Spending intentional time daily in silent prayer.
Formally and informally.
Part of my informal practice involves walks in the woods on our property.
As I enjoy my time in the woods, I often think about the Center and the labyrinth.
Thinking of how I could bring the experience and practice of the labyrinth home with me.
And I had this idea.
To began building my own contemplative prayer area.
My own little sanctuary.
My own labyrinth.
I chose a spot in our woods near the house.
Then developed a plan and got to work.
Several weeks and several hundred wood slices later, I laid out this path.
I placed a cross at the entry, similar to the one at the CAC. Then added a few painted boards.
Key words from my daily prayer.
I felt the trinity knot would be a nice touch.
So path was completed.
And now I can walk the labyrinth every day.
Walking with
faith (trust in Life and the Source of Life),
hope (openness to Life and the surprise it has to offer, and
love (belonging and saying "yes!" to Life).
Taking time for a transformative, sacred journey.
Over and over and over again.
Taking time for action.
Taking time for contemplation.
Day after day after day
In this prayer area, but more importantly, in my life.
Grace and peace to you today.
And may God keep you safe and well on your own sacred journey.