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The Something

"great love is always a discovery,

a revelation, a wonderful surprise,

a falling into 'something' much bigger and deeper

that is literally beyond us and larger than us."

~ Richard Rohr.

I'm in my second week of Richard's excellent book, Falling Upward.

We are all on two great journeys.

The first journey is to create a container that will hold this life.

The second is determining what fills this container and how we will do so.

I'm learning to let go of a lot of things.

Ironically, the things I've been letting go of are the things I do not control in the first place.

The first journey is a necessary challenge with necessary suffering that allows us to see this.

We navigate the life given to us and create a container the best we can with the tools given to us.

Some of us have great experiences and powerful tools.

Most have less-than-ideal experiences and limited tools.

And we will use experiences and tools, good and bad, strong and weak, to create something special.

A robust life bursting with opportunities.

However, experiencing the fullness of life requires an inevitable shift.

A transition from the creator mindset to a discoverer mindset.

This is the "letting go" I spoke of earlier.

I cannot control what I discover, I need only to be open to discover.

There is something going on here.

Life is a mystery, a miracle, and a gift.

Filled with unexplainable tragedy and beauty.

And though it is far beyond our ability to understand, it is well within our means to participate and appreciate.

I am grateful for Richard's words of wisdom.

Each day, I discover.

Each day, new beauties are revealed.

And when I am open, each day offers me wonderful surprises.

Yes, I am falling into "something" much bigger and deeper than myself.

Something that is literally beyond us and larger than myself.

And for this, I am grateful to the great Giver of life.

And for the discovery of great love on this life journey.


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