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This Thing I Do

WIN, a.k.a. "what's important now?"

Over the past week, this has been my mantra.

I have this thing I do.

I get a little space and a little breathing room.

Then, I find things to fill that space.

Too many things.

This, in no way, makes me unique.

We all have countless opportunities and choices.

They are harder to see when we're buried in tasks.

But when we have a moment to catch our breath, we see them.

Things we can or "should" be doing.

I spend a lot of time reflecting on my own practices.

Considering how to live life well.

I cannot do this while buried in tasks.

I do this through my experiences.

Which requires my attention and intention.

To help me find and maintain my presence, I've adopted a three-step practice.

1. pause, 2. breathe, and 3. smile.

This practice helps me slow down, recenter, and reset.

It allows me time to WIN.

When I slow down and take a pause, I create space.

When I breathe, I step out of the flurry of the moment.

When I smile, I remember how precious this human life experience is.

I recognize a moment appreciate and celebrate the moment.

I still feel buried in a pile of daily tasks.

But I give myself this brief moment to ask myself, "What's important now?"

Are my actions in alignment with my purpose?

Am I using my moments well?

Am I WINning this moment?

This week, I've noticed something.

I've noticed I've been holding that "pause" just a moment longer.

I've noticed my breath has turned into a few.

I've noticed my smile is just a natural reaction.

A response to the peace that floods the moment.

As I've moved from theory to practice, I'm seeing improvement.

In my ability to better choose what really is important, now.

As I move from practice toward mastery, I'm seeing possibility.

Opportunities to live more deeply and more fully.

I have this thing I do.

And I hope you take a moment to do it too.




And ask yourself.


Ask yourself often.

And here's to a day of WINning.


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