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To Have and To Share

I'm about five months into a new book project.

A story that I'm living as I'm writing.

The idea is to articulate the hero's journey as our own journey.

In life and in each day.

My hope is to express how we find our life purpose.

This is the first part of the journey, answering the call.

Then how we lived that purpose through many smaller adventures and missions.

It is a journey, and we are the heroes.

I've come a long way, but I know I still have a long way to go.

So I'm taking on this book-writing adventure as I can.

Day by day and moment by moment.

Showing up, doing the work, and trusting the process.

This is the next part of the journey, entering the unknown world.

And here I find myself in the story, quite ironically, battling resistance.

Working every day to step forward, in the project and in life itself.

It has been a satisfying undertaking.

Learning to communicate what I'm doing while I'm doing it.

Encouraging others to take these same steps.

Working toward some gift or treasure that we will take home with us.

This is the final part of the journey, returning home with the gift.

When I complete the mission on this journey, I will hold a treasure.

An experience from stepping out in faith and hope.

At some point, I will return from this undertaking.

I've had plenty of aid along the way from mentors.

Others have gifts to share from their own life experiences.

I find great value in the treasures they have shared.

And I will take their gifts and include them in my own.

That is where the treasure lies.

In the gaining and in the giving.

Our experiences, our journeys, and our struggles.

Our joys, our heartbreaks, and our lessons.

We gain them for ourselves, and we share them with others.

The treasures and gifts multiply as we participate together.

In this great journey of life, we each have and share.

May we look for opportunities to have and participate.

May we look for opportunities to share and appreciate.

And through it all, may we together, celebrate.


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