Unconditional Mercy
and Reckless Love.
It's been some time since I chose the word, Mercy to be my "One Word." Mercy is what I am striving to attain. I want to have mercy for myself and for others. I'm developing a deeper sense of and reverence for life. The miracle of life that surrounds me in all its beautiful imperfection. More and more, I'm finding wonder and awe in it all. And more and more, I'm finding the need for mercy in my life. For myself and for others.
This past summer, I was at the Oklahoma First Church of the Nazarene. The pastor, Jason Smith, spoke about the "reckless love of the Sower." This message has stuck with me. So has the image of this seed sower. No time to look back to see if the seed is taking root. There are more seeds to sow. It is a seemingly imperfect plan to spread love in this manner, and I love this beautiful image. I love this way to approach this life. I love this mindset. Loving recklessly. Always moving forward.
Every morning I enter a sanctuary. A place set aside to spend time in thought and prayer. A place to come to an altar. A place where I find I am being altered. Being transformed. This place is my quiet time of reading and writing and praying and journaling. Each day, I am greeted with a blank notebook page. I write the date and time. Then I write the word, "Mercy." Then I follow this word with a short phrase, "for self and others." I find it to be a good way to start my journal practice and my day.
This past week, I've started my journal with my one word, mercy. Then I've added the word, "unconditional" before it. Then I've added the phrase, "and reckless love" after it. And I still add the familiar "for self and others." It sets the tone for this time in the sanctuary, at the altar. This week, I have set the intention of leaning into mercy. Often I fail. Often I succeed. I find it a worthy intention.
In the week to come, I plan to continue this practice. I plan to continue setting this intention to my day. I'm certain I will fail. And I'm certain I will succeed. And through it all, I will offer myself mercy. I will offer others mercy. I will offer myself reckless love. I will offer others reckless love. I have found a deeper appreciation and reverence for life. I have found many times when others and I lack reverence for this life. And I have found mercy to be an appropriate response.
Mercy offers healing and comfort. Mercy shows compassion. In a world with so many things beyond our control, mercy is a gift we can offer ourselves and others in this beautiful, imperfect miracle of life. Mercy can be unconditional if we so choose. Our love can be reckless as well. These are choices we can control as we find the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, find the courage to change the things we can, and find the wisdom to know the difference.
Photo by Sparks Reliance on Unsplash