Welcome Back, Fred
“...just who you are at this moment,
with the way you’re feeling, is fine.
You don’t have to be anything more
than who you are right now.”
~ Fred Rogers
I am a notorious book starter.
A book finisher?
Not so much.
But I've found a trick.
To keep myself focused and able to actually finish a book, I limit myself.
My limit is three books at a time.
So I spend time with just three books.
With those three books come three bookmarks that slowly work their way down the spines.
And as they near the bottom of the spine, my anticipation grows.
I savor the last few chapters and pages as each book nears the end, but I also find myself glancing with excitement at the books I’ve lined up in the queue.
This week, Richard Rohr’s Eager to Love came to an end.
After finishing the final page, I paused and stared at the cover.
For quite some time.
Grateful to have spent some much time with this precious book.
I then placed the book on my shelf, and pulled a new book out I had selected a few days prior.
Fred Rogers’s Life’s Journeys according to Mister Rogers: Things to Remember Along the Way.
I appreciate Fred’s relentless pursuit of kindness, compassion, and presence.
I admire his mission and disciplined daily work to serve children and to actively demonstrate loving our “neighbors.”
I will certainly miss my daily time with Richard, but
I look forward to spending time with Fred over these next few days and weeks to come.
I’m happy to have him back.
Sharing time with me through his published words.
Spending time reminding me.
Reminding me that in all my imperfection, who I am and what I feel is fine.
Reminding me that I don’t have to be anything more than what I am right now.
Reminding me that today can truly be a wonderful day.
In this neighborhood.
Just being me.
Just being a neighbor.
I need this.
We all need this.
Thank you, Fred.
And welcome back.
Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash