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You are a Hero

  1. Hello, I'm Thom.

  2. Not sure what the best way to begin is because I never quite feel "ready."

  3. So I can do this later.

  4. But I have a LOT of resources and support now.

  5. So I showed up and made a video.

  6. And them some more, got some feedback, and started making some adjustments.

  7. There is a light, I'm making progress. But there is also a looming, I'm seeing the challenges of sustained effort.

  8. It's exciting to assess and aim and act and adjust, but where is this all leading?

  9. This will be nice to begin to see closure when I can begin wrapping up this experiment.

  10. But of course, there will still be MUCH work to do. On this experiment and on the projects to come.

  11. Then what? What do I do with all of this? What projects will come? What will follow this journey.

  12. I don't know, but for now, my hope is to bring it back. Gain wisdom, continue the quest of self-actualization and heroic service to others.

And there we have it. My micro-hero's journey in a nutshell. I had this idea to create a 28-Day Hero's Journey video series. Just a few minutes each day for me to practice life coaching and hopefully a couple of minutes each day for my co-adventurers to practice living life better, one day at a time. My hope is to just give a taste of healthy habit-formation. Breathing. Being grateful. Serving others. Just a little intention in approaching the day. Just a glimpse into a journey we all travel every day. We are all on a journey.

This is my original "call to action."

YOU are a Hero.

Yes, you heard that right.

YOU are a Hero, and


And now, YOU have a CHALLENGE.

I challenge YOU (and me) to



EMPOWER OTHERS to do the same.

I challenge YOU to CHANGE THE WORLD.

One person at a time. TOGETHER.

Starting with you and me. TODAY.

I'm Thom, and I would love

to have you on THE CREW.

I would love to be your personal

Hero Whisperer :)

So if you're deciding to stick around...

Welcome to the HERO CREW!

Glad you're here. Now, let's do this.

Consider my CHALLEGE a

Call to Action.

And consider RIGHT NOW

the time to Answer the Call and

Cross the Threshold.

As part of THE HERO CREW,

I have one, simple, daily

Heroic Task for you to perform.

Yes, just ONE!

That one task will grow

to become a keystone habit.

That keystone habit

will help build a foundation needed to

help us step forward into growth

moment to moment to moment.

Day after day after day.

So how are we going to master ourselves,

serve heroically,

and empower others to do the same?

By creating a series of

masterpiece days where we can

actualize our potential and

close the gap between who we are

currently being and who we are

capable of being.

Moment to moment, again and again,

optimal day after optimal day.

What do you think?

Are you in?

If so, it's time to Cross the Threshold.

Sounds pretty epic, huh? :) It's actually just a challenge to be more aware and act accordingly as we build habits to help us live life a little better. Want to try? Here's the first introductory video. If you give it a try, let me know. I'd be happy to share in the journey with you, hero. Enjoy the day. And enjoy the journey.


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